Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Paltz Gaming Convention "NPC" 2011

This past weekend was the New Paltz Gaming Convention known as NPC! For the third year in a row we have had a table and have worked with the students that organize and run the event.  We have done more then just have a table though, we have also helped run a few events.  This year we ran a Magic Casual (10 players) event, an Innistrad Draft (14 players), and a Yu-Gi-Oh constructed (10 players) event.  After talking to the students that run the Convention, the attendance was up about 25% over last year and was the largest number of individuals to attend. 

They had many cool events including some fantastic video game tournaments, mock combat with "bofer" weapons, anime viewings, and so much more!

And here are some of the players for the Magic event we ran at NPC.

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Black Friday at the Dragon's Den

We at the Dragon's Den want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving in advance and to let everyone know about the incredible Black Friday sales we will have on Friday November 25th.  We will be opening at 8:00am so that you can  come in and get some great deals while you are running to all the other stores.  What??? You don't know about our sales yet??? Then read on and hopefully you will find something great to stop in and pick up.

Valid 8 am to 12 pm
 All Hot Wheels 4 for $1
Energy Drinks & PEZ Buy 1, Get 1 FREE
All Action Figures Marked “Special” -3 for $10
Video Game Accessories-50% Off (Excludes New PS3/Wii/360)     
All Cartridge Games Buy1, Get 1 FREE
All Disc Games Buy 2, Get 1 FREE
Heroclix-Buy 1 Brick, Get a Starter FREE!
40% Off Any Miniatures Basic Rulebook or Starter Set
Board Games Marked “Special” 75% Off
Buy a Core Board Game, Get Expansion 50% Off
All RPG Books Buy 2, Get 1 FREE
All Manga-75% Off
Star Wars Action Figures 3 for $10
All Star Wars Boxed Sets 50% Off
All MTG and Yu-Gi-Oh! Singles-Buy 1, Get 1 FREE
Sports Card Singles Buy 2, Get 1 FREE
Any L5R Card Game Products-75% Off
         MTG 2012 2-Player Starter Set-50% Off 
          MTG New Phyrexia Starter Decks-50% Off
Yu-gi-oh! XYZ/Generation Force SE/Hidden Arsenal SE-50% Off

        All Day Sales
 All Action Figures Buy 1, Get 1 FREE
All Graphic Novels Buy 1, Get 1 FREE
All Statues 35% Off
All DC New 52 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Printings-$1 Each

Additional sales may be announced all day long, so follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more details.

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Looking Ahead: January & February

Previews came out last week, chock-full of new comic-y goodness that will be arriving in 2012. I popped open the large tome and found some cool reprints, new comics, and dollar books that I think a lot of you will dig. I've add Comixology links for our loyal Reservists, too.


"But my feeling is what Gotham really does is challenge you in these ways that shake you to the core." - Scott Snyder, from an interview at CBR.

* If you've been enjoying the new Batman series by Scott Snyder or All-Star Western featuring Jonah Hex in late 19th century Gotham, then BATMAN GATES OF GOTHAM is a must-have.

Gates of Gotham sets the stage for the history of Gotham and the Five Families. It details some of the back-story and relationships between the Waynes, the Cobblepots and the rest of the Gotham families. This trade paperback collects the entire mini-series at a reasonable price and is a GREAT Batman story. Highly recommended.

Kudos to DC for releasing it first as a trade paperback instead of a hardcover.

Comixology link and more information can be found here.

* WASTELAND is a post-apocalyptic series that teases a dark future with lots of question. While the book itself has been solid, it's struggled with coming out on time over the last 18 months. The creative team and publisher recently put out a press release that addressed the issues with candor, and announced that issue #33 is going to be $1. A new jumping-on point for a series tabbed to go 60 issues, #33 might not be the best place to start, but for a dollar, it's a good gamble. Vertigo and Dark Horse fans, this will be a book you might enjoy. I've been reading the series for years, and it's distinctly different than anything else on the market.

It's a dollar! Give it a shot!

Read an interview with the writer, Antony Johnston at CBR.

Comixology link and more information can be found here.

* It feels like Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips has been creating great crime/noir fiction since the dawn of time, so I'm stoked to see that they're doing a new ongoing series entitled FATALE. The difference between this and his other crime work, is that this comic will have a supernatural bent. If you like Criminal, Sin City, The Usual Suspects, 100 Bullets or any crime noir movie/book/tv show EVER, then you're going to enjoy this series. Two of comics' best creators, who've worked with each other for a long time, doing their best work? This is going to be a great book.

A video clip from Brubaker plus several finished pages can be seen here.

Comixology link and more information can be found here.

* Ridiculously long title aside, WOLVERINE AND X-MEN: ALPHA AND OMEGA looks very cool. Quentin Quire and Wolverine square off in this mini-series written by Brian Wood. Brian hasn't done much superhero or work-for-hire books in awhile, but coming off of his DMZ and Northlander runs at Vertigo, he's doing this mini-series and he's working on Conan at Dark Horse next year. I think this will be one of the better mini's to come from Marvel in quite some time. Given that Kid Omega (Quire) played a huge role in Schism, I think this series is going great. Wood has a different sensibility than a lot of the guys at Marvel, and I think it'll show.

Comixology link and more information can be found here.

Don't die Optimus, I.. I... I think I love you.

* IDW relaunches the Transformers books with two new ongoings: TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE and TRANSFORMERS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE

Look, this is a series about alien robots who transform into cars and guns. Do I really need to sell this? :)

Comixology link and more information for More Than Meets The Eye and for Robots In Disguise.:

* A couple months ago, a Kickstarter project was started to raise funds for an entirely female-created comic project called WOMANTHOLOGY. The fundraising was a HUGE success, and here is the result: THREE HUNDRED PAGES of female-created comics. The price tag is high - $50 - but proceeds from this book will be going to charity.

This will be a great book to give in time for Valentine's Day. Hint hint, gentlemen.

Comixology link and more information can be found here.

I liked her better with the mohawk.

Storm joins the Avengers! What, Maggot and Stacy X weren't available? I mean, haven't most of the X-Men and FF already become Avengers already? Sheesh.

Come on, Marvel. This the best you can do?

I'm not giving you the Comixology link. I'm sorry, I just can't.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Yugioh Photon Shockwave Sneak Peek

This weekend, we had a spectacular turn-out for our YuGiOh Sneak Peek.  The new set that was debuted, Photon Shockwave, will be for sale November 15th. 

Our events were on Saturday, November 5th, and Sunday November 6th.  Both days we had the $20 Sneak Peek at 12pm and a $10 Box Tournament. The winners of the Box Tournaments will be rewarded with various numbers of boosters from the new set when it releases next week.

We had a full house on both Saturday and Sunday, with all 96 of our packages (6 Photon Shockwave boosters + promo card) being sold out before 2pm each day! The Photon Dragon playmats were given out as random door prizes, and the lucky recipients were thrilled!
All in all, we are very pleased with this huge turnout.  Hopefully, our representatives at Konami will allow us to get even more kits for the next Sneak Peek, and we can run even larger tournaments!  If you are interested in participating in our YuGiOh events, we have regular tournaments every Sunday from 1pm-6pm and Tuesday from 5:30pm-9pm. A $5 entry guarantees that every participant gets 1 booster pack, and the top players get extra store credit!
Check out our calendar at gamersgambit.com for more events and information.

Stasi "Dengirl" King

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gamers for the Greater Good

 Gamers for the Greater Good (G4GG)

As the holidays are approaching I know that many of the recent storms have left people in our area wanting for some basic needs.  We at the Dragon's Den have decided to plan a week of events that will help the local food banks in the Poughkeepsie area. Here is what we are hoping to do:

Every event you come in and play during this week we are asking you to bring in several non-perishable food items as a donation.  To help sweeten the deal we are going to ask several vendors to make donates and we will have raffles on the last day of the event.  To be entered in the raffle you will need to bring either 5 canned items or 3 boxed items of food per event you play in.  Even if you do not want to play in any events, you can still make a food donation and be entered in the raffles.

To make the raffle even more potent, we will add a raffle ticket for EACH group of donations you bring in! So yes that means for ever 5 canned items or every 3 boxed items you will get your name entered again!  YES, that means that every event you play in can get you an extra raffle entry. 

We are also planning some extra special events just for the week and we will have some super special offers to tie to those.

The dates for this event will be: December 5 until December 11.

Monday: Magic Modern 6:00pm

Friday: Magic Sealed 2 Headed Giant 6:00pm $20 entry plus the food donation! 5 boosters and build 2 decks. Also, if you bring a new player (one who has never had a DCI number, the top teams with a new player will win a special prize!)

Sunday: Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck Challenge:  Legend of the Six Samurai, $8.00 entry plus food donation!

We will update this page often as we plan more events and get more fun and fantastic information.  Stay tuned and we hope that we can help local families and have a lot of fun while doing it!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks