Marvel is relaunching a significant number of their titles with new #1's over the next 5 months. Here's a list of what's available on Comixology, for your perusal.
Uncanny Avengers #1 -Half X-men, Half Avengers, by Rick Remender.
A Plus X #1 - 2 stories, one comic!
Minimum Carnage #1 - Carnage, Venom & Scarlet Spider come together.
AVX Consequences #1 - the 5-issue mini-series that trails the fallout from AvX!
Punisher War Zone #1 - The 5-issue mini-series that wraps up Greg Rucka's recent Punisher Run.
Daredevil End of Days #1 - Bendis and David Mack team up with Klaus Janson to write an epic, 8-part story about "how it all [would] end" for DD.
Wolverine Max #1 - The Max line puts out some terrific mature stories. This looks gritty.
Deadpool #1 - A new relaunch for the hooded'n'crazy one!
Fantastic Four #1 - Matt Fraction takes the FF on a wild ride outside time and space.
FF #1 - And then there's this.. Mike Allred returns to Marvel for a new FF series. His work on X-Statix 10 years ago is considered a cult classic. This might be a surprise hit.
X-Men Legacy #1 - This is different, a book about Xavier's crazy/powerful son, Legion.
Captain America #1 - By the Allmighty Rick Remender of Uncanny X-force.
Thor God of Thunder #1 - One of two Thor titles, this one written by Jason Aaron
Iron Man #1 - Kieron Gillen and Greg Land take over the adventures of Tony Stark.
Indestructible Hulk #1 - Mark Waid (DAREDEVIL) joins Lenil Francis Yu for a new volume of Big Green.
All New X-Men #1 - Bendis brings the original 5 X-Men to the future, to see the havoc brought on by the events of Avengers vs. X-Men.
Cable and X-Force #1 - 1 of 2 X-Force books, this is Cable and his team... on the run.
Avengers Arena #1 - Battle Royale meets the Runaways/Young Avengers/Avengers Academy & more.!
Avengers #1 - Jonathan Hickman, fresh off his epic Fantastic Four run, takes over Avengers!
Thunderbolts #1 - This is a team of dangerous misfits, led by Red Hulk Thunderbolt Ross.
Dexter #1 - Written by the creator of Showtime's hit show!
Uncanny X-Force #1 - The return of Mohawk Storm makes this awesome on it's own.
New Avengers #1 - A book featuring the team of the Illuminati.
Superior Spider-Man #1 - Who is the new Spider-Man? What happened to Peter Parker?
Savage Wolverine #1 - Frank Cho writing AND drawing? This should be interesting.
Young Avengers #1 - A strange mix of heroes, including Loki. Looking forward to this.
Morbius Living Vampire #1 - The famous vampire gets his own series!
Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 - The cosmic heroes return!
Nova #1 - A new Nova, a new Series.
Uncanny X-men #1 - Cyclops' team is together, and so is his school.
Fearless Defenders #1 - Misty Knight and Valkyrie together? Awesome mix.
Secret Avengers #1 - Nick Fury leads a new covert team.. including Phil Coulson?
(Now I want one of those Coulson Lives t-shirts)
Age of Ultron #1- The next great Marvel event starts here!
Wolverine #1 - Logan gets his own ongoing, yet again.