Friday, October 19, 2012

October Dragon's Den Magic Player of the Year: Free Standard

This month I'm going to post the full list of everyone who has played Free Standard in the Den so far this year. We have currently had 293 unique players this year... some of whom have played in a lot of Free events. Click on the "Read More" link below to see the full list!

Thanks for playing at the Dragon's Den

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

October Dragon's Den Magic Player of the Year: Competitive Standard

This month I'm going to post the full list of everyone who has played competitive Standard in the Den so far this year. We have currently had 125 unique players this year... some of whom have played in a lot of competitive events. Click on the "Read More" link below to see the full list!

Thanks for playing at the Dragon's Den

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

October Dragon's Den Magic Player of the Year: Limited

This month I'm going to post the full list of everyone who has played limited in the Den so far this year.  We have currently had 359 unique players this year... some of whom have played in a lot of limited events.  Click on the "Read More" link below to see the full list!

Thanks for playing at the Dragon's Den

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

October Dragon's Den Magic Player of the Year: Competitive Legacy

This month I'm going to post the full list of everyone who has played Competitive Legacy in the Den so far this year. We have currently had 69 unique players this year... some of whom have played in a lot of Competitive Legacy events. Click on the "Read More" link below to see the full list!

Thanks for playing at the Dragon's Den

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Commander on a Budget with Ashling the Pilgrim

Between Vintage cards that cost hundreds of dollars a piece and some of the strangest deck building rules in Magic: the Gathering, Commander can be a tough format to break into. It’s also some of the most fun you can have with the game. Here’s a way to get started for under $75.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Marvel Now! - New #1's

Marvel is relaunching a significant number of their titles with new #1's over the next 5 months. Here's a list of what's available on Comixology, for your perusal.


Uncanny Avengers #1 -Half X-men, Half Avengers, by Rick Remender.
A Plus X #1 - 2 stories, one comic!
Minimum Carnage #1 - Carnage, Venom & Scarlet Spider come together.
AVX Consequences #1 - the 5-issue mini-series that trails the fallout from AvX!
Punisher War Zone #1 - The 5-issue mini-series that wraps up Greg Rucka's recent Punisher Run.
Daredevil End of Days #1 - Bendis and David Mack team up with Klaus Janson to write an epic, 8-part story about "how it all [would] end" for DD.
Wolverine Max #1 - The Max line puts out some terrific mature stories. This looks gritty.


Deadpool #1 - A new relaunch for the hooded'n'crazy one!
Fantastic Four #1 - Matt Fraction takes the FF on a wild ride outside time and space.
FF #1 - And then there's this.. Mike Allred returns to Marvel for a new FF series. His work on X-Statix 10 years ago is considered a cult classic. This might be a surprise hit.
X-Men Legacy #1 - This is different, a book about Xavier's crazy/powerful son, Legion.
Captain America #1 - By the Allmighty Rick Remender of Uncanny X-force.
Thor God of Thunder #1 - One of two Thor titles, this one written by Jason Aaron
Iron Man #1 - Kieron Gillen and Greg Land take over the adventures of Tony Stark.
Indestructible Hulk #1 - Mark Waid (DAREDEVIL) joins Lenil Francis Yu for a new volume of Big Green.
All New X-Men #1 - Bendis brings the original 5 X-Men to the future, to see the havoc brought on by the events of Avengers vs. X-Men.


Cable and X-Force #1 - 1 of 2 X-Force books, this is Cable and his team... on the run.
Avengers Arena #1 - Battle Royale meets the Runaways/Young Avengers/Avengers Academy & more.!
Avengers #1 - Jonathan Hickman, fresh off his epic Fantastic Four run, takes over Avengers!
Thunderbolts #1 - This is a team of dangerous misfits, led by Red Hulk Thunderbolt Ross.


Dexter #1 - Written by the creator of Showtime's hit show!
Uncanny X-Force #1 - The return of Mohawk Storm makes this awesome on it's own.
New Avengers #1 - A book featuring the team of the Illuminati. 
Superior Spider-Man #1 - Who is the new Spider-Man? What happened to Peter Parker?
Savage Wolverine #1 - Frank Cho writing AND drawing? This should be interesting.
Young Avengers #1 - A strange mix of heroes, including Loki. Looking forward to this.
Morbius Living Vampire #1 - The famous vampire gets his own series!


Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 - The cosmic heroes return!
Nova #1 - A new Nova, a new Series.
Uncanny X-men #1 - Cyclops' team is together, and so is his school.
Fearless Defenders #1 - Misty Knight and Valkyrie together? Awesome mix.
Secret Avengers #1 - Nick Fury leads a new covert team.. including Phil Coulson?

(Now I want one of those Coulson Lives t-shirts)


Age of Ultron #1- The next great Marvel event starts here!
Wolverine #1 - Logan gets his own ongoing, yet again.