I know by now everyone is sick of the same old song and dance you see in the Top 8 of every tournament, especially if they’re all going to be filled with the Lovecraftian horrors that Oath of the Gatewatch brought to the forefront of everyone’s mind. The point of this article isn’t going to be to rehash those same lists, but to bring a breath of fresh air to your Modern deckbuilding process.
The first deck I want to go over is Modern’s spin on a much loved, yet very feared mechanic: Dredge. This deck operates a bit like it’s Legacy counterpart: get as many cards as you can in the graveyard, throw some undead at your opponent, and finish them off in a blaze of glory. The only difference with this deck is that you also want a whole lot of cards in your hand, to fuel your alternate win-con: Conflagrate!
There’s a lot of pretty sweet stuff going on in this list, including a bunch of cards that you likely don’t see on a day to day basis; stuff like Vengeful Pharaoh and Squee, Goblin Nabob. They’re all here to serve a greater purpose though, don’t worry. The general goal of this deck is to dredge as many cards as you can into your graveyard in the early game with powerful dredgers like Golgari-Grave Troll and draw spells like Faithless Looting, to get incremental advantages from cards like Bloodghast and Lingering Souls.
While you’re playing the beatdown, there are still a bunch of ways to hold other decks at bay. With the 2-mana black enchantment, Zombie Infestation, you can either continue applying pressure with the cards you’re sure to have in hand, or make some blockers at instant speed; nothing screws up your opponent’s combat math like creatures showing up out of nowhere! Vengeful Pharaoh is another card that needs a particular home to really shine, and that home is here! It isn’t hard to incidentally mill one into the graveyard, and once it gets there once, it will just keep triggering and repeating its ability. There’s nothing quite like a kill spell that repeats itself and requires exactly 0 mana.
So now that we’re past the fluff, we can get to the real core of the deck. After turns of reloading on Bloodghasts and poking your opponents with Lingering Souls, you’ve reached the turning point. You’ve got 7 cards in hand including 2 Life from the Loams, and a Squee and a Conflagrate in the graveyard, and your opponent is ending their turn at a respectable 13 life. You studiously remember your upkeep trigger on Squee, and draw for turn. Your Loams each net you 3 lands, bringing your hand size up to 13 cards. If you’ve been following along, that’s conveniently your opponent’s life total, and it’s also convenient that that’s how much damage your Conflagrate is currently burning into them. That’s where the true magic in this deck lies; it tricks your opponent into thinking that your creatures are important, when you really just wanted to combo kill them.
The other deck I want to feature today is a pet project of mine, and is centered around my favorite card of all time: Monastery Mentor. I had been playing an Esper version of this deck for quite a while to some success, but I think that this deck has a chance to shine again if we can provide some changes based on past experiences. In this case, that translates to adding a 4th color to the deck entirely, and cutting some of the less consistent pieces. I’ll go over the basic premise of the deck, but here’s the current iteration:
It's effectively a 4c good stuff deck that wins with Lingering Souls most of the time, but I think this version is probably better than the original Esper version; the red provides reach with Lightning Bolt and Lightning Helix, and recursion of threats like Monastery Mentor and Snapcaster Mage with Kolaghan's Command. The red splash also provides more sideboard options and other possible threats like Pia and Kiran Nalaar, and cards to shore up the original worst matchup: Tron. Being able to recur Fulminator Mages with Kolaghan's Command or even just the ability to toss in Crumble to Dust should prove pretty useful, as I'm fairly confident that Tron will make a pretty big resurgence once the Eldrazi Menace recedes.
The most difficult parts of playing the deck are the manabase (4 colors, ridiculous right?), and the deck's seemingly conscious desire to draw lands past turn 5/6. I might switch the Vault of the Archangel to a Desolate Lighthouse so I can loot away extra lands, or I might just play a second Painful Truths. Making decisions is hard sometimes. If you guys have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.
I think the biggest strength of this deck is that it plays a lot like Jund, except that we can be a bit more flexible since we’ve got card selection in Serum Visions, and the ability to cast any of our instants or sorceries a second time with Snapcaster Mages. Besides that, we’ve frankly got as much removal as them anyway. Decks like these tend to do pretty well, as they’ve got game against pretty much the entire field, and they don’t straight up crumble to any side board silver bullets like a lot of decks can.
I think that both of these decks are poised to do pretty well once Shadows over Innistrad comes around, and brings a whole new Banned & Restricted list with it. The life span of the Eldrazi is nearly at its end, and who knows, we might even get some new toys to play with when April rolls around.
Written by: Zane Knapp
Tabletop games, CCGs, RPGs, miniatures gaming, vintage video games, comics and collectibles.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship Top Eight Decklists
Thanks to all who participated in the Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship held Saturday, February 27, 2016, at Gamer's Gambit in Danbury. Congratulations to our top eight finishers and to the first place finisher, Bryce Catania, who won an invite to the 2016 WCQ National Qualifier and the Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship playmat! Here are the winning deck lists of the top eight finishers:
1st - Bryce CataniaMonsters: 1- Kozmo Dark eclipse 3- kozmo dark destroyer 2-kozmo forerunner 2- kozmo sliprider 2-kozmo wicked witch 2-kozmo farmgirl 3-kozmo tincan 1-kozmo goodwitch 1-kozmo strawman 3-maxx c 2- effect veiler Spells: 3-kozmotown 3-emergency teleport 2-twin twister 1- Raigeki Traps: 3- Solemn Strike 3- call of the haunted 2-kozmojo 1-solemn warning Side deck: 3-cyber dragon 1-flying c 2- archfiend eccentric 1- dark hole 3- wavering eyes 2-storming mirror force 3- mask of restrict Extra deck: 2- chimeratech fortess dragon 1-psy-framelord omega 1-starlight red dragon archfiend 1- cyberdragon infinity 1-cyberdragon nova 1-constellar Pleiades 1-red eyes flame metal dragon 1-number 11: big eye 1-daigusto emerald 1-number 101: silent honor ark 1- castel, the skyblaster musketeer 1-gagaga cowboy 1-evilswarm nightmare 1-number 47: nightmare shark |
2nd - Matthew HerreraMonsters: 3- Magical Abductor 3- Armageddon knight 3-performapal donkey 3-performapal sorcerer 2-performapal lizard draw 1-performapal monkey board 1-performapal guiturtle 1-performapal skullcrobat joker 1-performer partnaga 1-luster pendulum dracoslayer 1-blackwing zephyros the elite 1-recover 1-x saber palomuro 1-Risebell the star adjuster Spells: 3-upstart goblin 3-terraforming 3-chicken game 3-emergency teleport 3-emergency teleport Traps: 1- traptrix traphole 1-bottomless trap hole Side deck: 1-chimeratech fortress dragon 2-cyber dragon 1-shadoll dragon 1-twin twister 2- dark hole 1-raigeki 3- deck devastation virus 2-mask of restrict Extra deck: 1-elder entity norden 1-karbonala warrior 1-Dinoster Power, the mighty dracoslayer 1-naturia beast 1- ignister prominence, the blasting dracoslyer 1- traptrix cell thesis 1- evilswarm nightmare 1-abyss dweller 1-daigusto emerald 1- majester paladin, the ascending dracoslayer 1-diamond dire wolf 1- Castel, the skyblaster muketeer 1- king of the feral imps 1- carnigorgon, the antiluminescent knight 1- number 66: master key beetle |
3rd - Shermine CiancioloMonsters: 3- effect veiler 3-mermail abyssgaios 3-alantean heavenly infantry 3-neptabyss, the alantean prince 1-aqua spirit 1-mermail abysssprite 2-mermail abyssgunde 2-mermail abyssteus 1-mermail abyssturge 1- mermail abysslinde 2- alantean dragoons 2-alantean marksmen 1- deep sea diva 1-moulinglacia the emerald lord 1-mermail abyssleed Spells: 3-upstart goblin 3-instant fusion 2-dark hole 1-soul charge 1-one for one 1- abyss scale of the mizuchi 1-raigeki Traps: 1-abyss sphere Side deck: 2-system down 2- ghost ogre & snow rabbit 2-forbidden chalice 3-twin twisters 2-imperial iron wall 2-anti spell fragrance 2- maxx c Extra deck: 1- Armory arm 2-abyss dweller 1-trishula dragon of ice barrier 1-mecha phantom beast draccosack 2- elder entity norden 1-abyss mermail gaios 1- number 101: silent honor ark 1-black rose dragon 1-mermail abysstrite 1-bahamut shark 1-number 11: big eye 1-dewloren, tiger king of the ice barrier 1- tatsunoko |
4th - Anthony KellyMonsters: 3- Armageddon knight 3-wisdom-eye magician 3-dragonpit magician 2- odd eyes pendulum dragon 2- oafdragon magician 2- majespecter unicorn kirin 1- blackwing zepyhros 1- performapal skullcrobat 1-majespecter raccoon bunbuku 1- performapal monkey board 1-dragonpulse magician 1-nobledragon magician 1- tuning magician 1- performapal tumpgirl Spells: 3- wavering eyes 3-upstart goblin 2-terraforming 3-pendulum call 3-chicken game 1-odd eyes fusion 1-reinforcment of the army 1- sky iris Side deck: 1-shaddoll hedgehog 1-shaddol dragon 1-shaddoll beast 2- fog king 3- shaddoll fusion 2-mystical space typhoon 2-psi-blocker 1- el shaddoll grysta 1- el shaddoll winda 1- el shaddoll shekhinaga Extra deck: 1- odd eyes rebellion 2-odd eyes absolute dragon 1-number 39: utopia beyond 1-evilswarm nightmare 1-diamond dire wolf 1-abyss dweller 1-trishula 1-psy-framed omega 1-odd eyes meteorburst dragon 1-ignister, prominence the blasting dracoslayer 1- clear wing synchro dragon 1-ancient fairy dragon 2-odd eyes vortex |
5th - Vincent SilvermanMonsters: 3-erebus the underworld monarch 3-ehther the heavenly monarch 1-thestalos the mega monarch 1-kuraz the light monarch 2-majesty’s fiend 3-edea the heavenly squire 2-eidos the underworld quire Spells: 3-pantheism of the monarchs 3-tenacity of the monarchs 3-domain of the monarchs 3- the monarchs stormforth 3-return of the monarchs 3-upstart goblin 1-raigeki 1-one for one 1-foolish burial 1-reinforcemanet of the army Traps: 3- the prime monarch 1- escalation of the monarchs Side deck: 3- maxx c 3- twin twister 2- forbidden chalice 3-mind crush 3-cursed seal of the forbidden spell 1-vanity’s emptiness |
6th - Armaan MastersMonsters: 1-Tour Guide from the Underworld 1-Graff, motba 1-Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Barber, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 1-Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss 2-Effect Veiler 2- Fiendish Rhino Warrior 2- Maxx C Spells: 2- Twin Twister 1-Foolish Burial 1-Raigeki Traps: 3-Solemn Strike 2-Fire lake of the Burning Abyss 2- traveler of the Burning Abyss 3-Magic Drain 2-Horn of Heaven 1-Torrental Tribute 1-Solemn Warning 1-Vanity’s Emptiness 1-Skill Drain Side Deck: 2- Master of Restrict 2- Imperial Iron Wall 2- Anti Spell fragrance 2- Gameciel, the sea turtle 1-Cyber Dragon 1-Cyber Dragon core 2-Vanity’s friend 1-effect veiler Extra deck: 3- Dante, Traveler of the burning Abyss 1-Vrgil, Rock Strap 1- Number 47: Nightmare Shark 2-Number 30: Acid Golem 1-chimeratech fortress dragon 1- number 17: Leviathan dragon 1- mechquipped Angineer 1-number 49: fortune tune 1-number 20: giga brilliant 1-number F0- utopic future 2-Downerd Magician |
7th - Kamal WilliamsMonsters: 2- ghost ogre & snow rabbit 3-kozmo dark destroyer 1-kozmo dark eclipse 2-Kozmo farmgirl 1-kozmo forerunner 2- kozmo goodwitch 3-kozmo sliprider 1-kozmo strawman 3-kozmo tinman 2-kozmo wickedwitch 2-max c Spells: 3-emergency teleport 3-kozmotown 1-raigeki 1-twin twister Traps: 2- anti spell fragrance 3-call of the haunted 1-kozmojo 1-solemn warning 3-solemn strike Side deck: 2-cyber dragon 1-maxx c 2-kaiser colosseum 2-system down 1-macro cosmos 3-mask of restrict 2- effect veiler 1-twin twister 1- dark hole Extra deck: 1-chimeratech fortress dragon 1-ancient fairy dragon 1- black rose dragon 1-odd eyes meteorburst dragon 1-scarlight red dragon archfiend 1- trishula dragon of the ice barrier 1-castel, the skyblaster musketeer 1- abyss dweller 1- constellar Pleiades 1-cyber dragon nova 1- daigusto emerald 1- number 61: volcasaurus 1-number 82: heartlandraco 1-gagaga cowboy |
8th - Nick MarvinMonsters: 3- ehther the heavenly monarch 3-erebus the underworld monarch 1-caius the mega monarch 1-thestalos the mega monarch 1-Magesty’s fiend 3- edea the heavenly squire 3- eidos the underworld squire Spells: 3-terraforming 3-chicken game 3-tenacity of monarchs 3-pantheismof the monarchs 3- the monarchs stormforth 3-domain of the true monarchs 1-return of the monarchs 1-foolish burial 1-reinforcement of the army 1- one for one Traps: 2-the prime monarch 1- escalation of the monarchs Side deck: 2- solemn scolding 1-the prime monarch 3-twin twister 2- mystical space typhoon 2-dark hole 1-raigeki 2- effect veiler 2-majesty’s fiend |