Showing posts with label NY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NY. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Vanguard and Monsuno New CCGs at the Dragon's Den

So you have played Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or even Pokemon, but now it is time to give a new game a try! With the release of two brand new Collectible Card Game (CCGs) to the market, I thought it would be a good idea to do a quick little blog post about them both.

Cardfight!! Vanguard

This is a hot new CCG that uses a very different type of card mechanic and play area layout.  One very interesting side note about Cardfight!! Vanguard, is that they are sized like a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, so smaller size... finally another use for those smaller sleeves!

The game is designed around having a card in play that is your Vanguard or avatar that you use to attack and defend.  You start with a level 0 Vanguard, and can give it a Rider to increase the level.  You can also play Rear-Guards, but they must be equal or lower level then your Vanguard.  When your Vanguard is hit in combat, look at the critical score on the attacker, and you take that much damage.  When you take 6 damage, you lose... or if you have no cards to draw!

Here are some examples of the larger creatures... and in a very cool foil pattern!  Notice that they have a number of powers: constant and activated.  They also have some serious increase in power level.

The starter comes with a full deck ready to play right out of the box!  It is geared toward a clan and makes it easy to start learning the game. 


This CCG is based on  a TV show with the same name.  The starter is really cool as it allows 2 players to get involved right away with 2 different options for the starters.  It also comes with a booster so that you can customize your deck right out of the starter.  Below is a picture showing off the Monsuno cards for one of the starters: Core-Tech vs Eklipse!

The decks contains Monsumo cards and Strike cards.  Your deck most contain a minimum of 40 Strike Cards and exactly 3 different Monsumo cards with a launch total of no more then 15.  Each deck may contain up to 3 of any given card, but only 1 of a card with keyword Unique.

The game is broken down into turns and each player may do one of three different things: Launch a Ready Monsumo, Attack, or Recover. Combat is broken down into 3 steps: Draw a card from the Strike Deck, choose a card and play it facedown, and both cards are reveled and players check to see which card Dominates.

If you want to learn more, then stop in and give one a try!  I hope you stop in and want to give a new CCG a try.  These games look great and I can't wait to play both so that I get some more experience with each!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Friday, March 9, 2012

Staff at the Dragon's Den 2012

We have had many people stop in and ask... "So do you work here?"  I thought that maybe the staff shirts with our store logo would be a dead give away that we staff here in the store, but then again...

So here is current staff as of 2012.  We took this picture of the staff to use in the Power Retailer Awards for GAMA, and we never got to put it in.  So not to let a fun picture go to waste, I thought I would put it in our blog for everyone on the interweb... I mean the world wide network... maybe ever faceyspace... or twitterpages...

Playing Pieces
Front: Jessica, Amanda, Brittani (dndprincessaria), Stasi (dengirl)
Middle: Bob
Back: Alex, Sean (striderlotr), Scott (therageking), Stan, Rachel, Dave
Not in picture: Soyla

So if you stop in and are wondering who to talk to, well here is what each of the pieces to this great game can do:

Power Behind the Throne: Soyla, Webmaster

King: Dave, Regional Manager... knows some of everything in the store!
Queen: Sean, Store Manager... knows some of everything in the store!

Rook: Stasi, Purchasing Manager... does the purchasing for the store
Rook: Rachel, ebay/shipping

Knight: Bob, lead video game technician
Knight: Alex, video game technician

Bishop: Scott, Comic book manager
Bishop: Brittani, RPG maven

Pawn: Amanda, Cashier/Comics
Pawn: Jessica, Cashier/Retro Games
Pawn: Stan, Miniatures Minion

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Star Trek Games

Even if you are not a Trekkie, the new releases for Star Trek games have been huge and well worth checking out!  Now if you are a Trekkie... then you really need to see some of the games!


Heroclix by Wizkids, created Star Trek: Tactics!  The game is... wait for it... Heroclix!  When you open the starter box you get the Heroclix 2011 Core Rulebook, and Powers and Abilities Card.  The Starter also comes with 4 fully painted miniatures: USS Enterprise -A, USS Rhode Island, IKS Rotarran, and IKS Bortas. 

Each ship comes with a stat card which gives you the Trekkie abilities to correspond with the super hero powers. 

The starter also comes with 2 double sided maps, each one with a very different effect on the battle.

Deck Building Game 

Star Trek The Next Generation deck building game was recently released by Bandai.  In the true deck building craze... which if you don't know what these are, then you need to check out some greats like Dominion and Thunderstone, you start with a basic hand and then acquire cards to build your deck  Back to Star Trek TNG deck build though, the game offers some great diversity right out of the box. 

There are 3 different versions of the game: Exploration: a free for all scenario, Borg Invasion: a cooperative scenario, and Klingon Civil War: a 2 vs 2 team scenario. The game has 300 cards and can be played with 2 to 5 players.  Oh, and if you come in, we do have some really cool promo Jean-Luc Picard cards!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Thursday, March 1, 2012

This Week in Comics

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New 52 Wave Two
The Second Wave of DC's New 52 starts in May. Take a peek now.
Don' forget:

Pre-ordering is the best way to guarantee you get your comics!

Pre-orders for product shipping in May are due by Tuesday, March 20th

by James Robinson and Nicola Scott

The multiverse returns! James Robinson, who wrote the classic JSA story THE GOLDEN AGE, gets his hands on Earth-2, home of Jay Garrick, Alan Scott and (possibly) other Justice Society characters. Not a lot of information out there about this one, yet, but I imagine we'll hear more soon. Given all the changes made to the "main" Earth of The New 52, it's hard to say what'll have changed on Earth Two. We'll find out in May.
Comixology Link
®, ™ and © 2012 DC Comics. All rights reserved.
by JT Krul, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and more.

This looks like a MUCH stronger attempt at a war book than either Blackhawks or Men at War.  Smart move on DC's part, using one of their "old" war titles to give this genre another chance. I have to tell you, I'm curious to see what Palmiotti and Gray do with the UNKNOWN SOLDIER. I think this is going to do much better than either of the aforementioned titles did last fall.
Comixology Link

®, ™ and © 2012 DC Comics. All rights reserved.
by Grant Morrisson and Chris Burnham

The end of Morrisson's Batman run is nigh; With the identity of Leviathan now revelaled, the last act of this years-long story kicks into gear. I don't know how long this book will go for, but it's Grant doing his thing. The Batman graphic novels are our best sellers, and besides the classic Bat-books (YEAR ONE, LONG HALLOWEEN, DKR), the Grant Morrisson volumes are our fastest movers. If you read BATMAN, INC before the New 52, this is merely a continuation of that series and the one-shot BATMAN: LEVIATHAN that came out a month or two back. Time to jump back into the madness, Morrison is back.
Comixology Link

®, ™ and © 2012 DC Comics. All rights reserved.
by Paul Levitz, George Perez & others

Huntress and Power Girl are stuck on our Earth, and want to go home. This is an interesting idea: re-using one of DC's better-known titles (and catchphrases) and assigning it to two female characters. The Huntress mini-series has done extraordinarily well here, but the pre-New 52 (ugh, hate typing that) Power Girl was a very poor seller. Given how much grief DC got last summer at San Diego about the lack of female characters and creators involved in the re-launch, I'm glad to see that they've honored two popular characters with their own book. WORLD'S FINEST looks like it's going to detail the adventures of two super-heroes trying to get back home. Levitz' writing on Huntress has been spot-on. I think this is going to be great.
Comixology Link

®, ™ and © 2012 DC Comics. All rights reserved.
by China Mievelle and Mateus Santolouco

It gives you power, but want to destroy the world. A device powerful enough to help you become a hero, but power always come at a price. Best selling novelist China Mievelle jumps into The New 52 with a dark story, told in the vein of ANIMAL MAN and SWAMP THING. This book looks like it'll be playing on the edges of the DCU, while telling great stories. Should be fun.
Comixology Link.

®, ™ and © 2012 DC Comics. All rights reserved.

by Howard Mackie and Ian Churchill.

GEN 13 Return- Wait, no I think I got that wrong.
Sorry folks, I saw Caitlin Fairchild busting out of her clothes on the cover, and had a "I want all 13 covers" flashback. (Points to anyone who knows what that one means.) Spinning out of SUPERBOY and "The Culling" storyline, Fairchild and a mix of new and old heroes are on the run, while trying to work together. It's like Teen Titans, but with a twist or three. Glad to see some more of my Wildstorm characters making a return.

Comixology Link
®, ™ and © 2012 DC Comics. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2012 Dragon's Den, All rights reserved.
Here is one of those emails we promised you when you signed up as part of the Denizen Discount Program when you were shopping at Dragon's Den.

Our mailing address is:
Dragon's Den
2600 South Road
Poughkeepsie Plaza
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601

Add us to your address book
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dragon's Den Players of the Year for Magic Update

We have been running a Player of the Year for Magic in the store since the beginning of the year.  We have broken the this award into four different categories: Free Standard, Competitive Standard, Legacy, and Limited.  As we have been running this almost 2 months, I thought I'd post a quick little standing of the top 8 players so far for each category.  So with 10 more months left to be a part of the Player of the Year here at the Dragon's Den, you should come in and play!

Free Standard: Top 8 of 136

Rank Name Points Matches
1 Elijah Vanaver 118 50
2 Niko Peone 96 40
3 Mike Cox 72 37
4 Scott Fish 72 43
5 Evan Odden 72 53
6 Dave Oppenheimer 66 34
7 Alex Sherman 58 28
8 John Franczak 57 31

Competitive Standard: Top 8 of 37
Rank Name Points Matches
1 Steve Carpenter 39 19
2 Kevin Jones 36 15
3 Doug Kimball 29 11
4 Alex Sherman 25 16
5 Scott Fish 21 16
6 Carl Naumann 19 12
7 Will Cuttler 18 8
8 Daniel Stockton 18 11

Legacy: Top 8 of 32
Rank Name Points Matches
1 Paul Lake 45 19
2 James Rynkiewicz 38 15
3 Frank Kick 30 14
4 Casey Madrick 30 15
5 Janene Andersen 24 14
6 Darryl Moss 21 12
7 Rich Cali 21 14
8 Nicholas Albonese 15 8

Limited: Top 8 of 129
Rank Name Points Matches
1 Paul Lake 27 10
2 Alex Sherman 26 10
3 David Haass 24 8
4 Marcos Martinez 22 14
5 Kevin Jones 21 7
6 Mike Cox 21 10
7 Brooke Schieffer 19 9
8 Doug Kimball 18 7

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Friday, February 10, 2012

GIZA The Great Pyramid

In this new 2-4 player game by Mayfair, you play as the leader of an Egyptian city. Pharaoh is concerned that his Great Pyramid will not be finished in time for his journey to the Underworld, and needs the help of his best cities in supplying additional labor. To win the Pharaoh's favor, you must send more laborers to complete the Great Pyramid than the other players!

When you first open the box, you will see the rulebook and the game board. The rulebook is 12 pages long, and is extremely detailed, perfect for those who have never played a board game. It includes information on Game Setup, Components, How To Play, Executing Turns, Scoring and Game End. It even has a very helpful scoring table for use during the game.
The board itself is a work of art. Not only is it beautifully done in neo-Egyptian artwork, but it is a  hard 1 piece fold-out.  In my experience, this eliminates people losing the separate board pieces or bumping into 1 half of it.

Underneath those are the Player Aid Screens (left side) and the tiles and tokens (right side). Each player gets 1 color-coded reversible screen, 3 Art Tokens for decorating the Pyramid (red), 8 Food Tokens to prevent Worker starvation(green) and either 8 or 10 Worker blocks, depending on whether your game is 2 or 4 player. There are also Sled Tiles (large yellow) and 50pt. Victory Markers (yellow/green/brown). Each of these are very important during game play, so I recommend getting a Ziploc to keep them in.

Lastly, there are the worker pieces and the plastic pyramid itself.  The small wooden blocks represent your Workers, and are color coded for up to 4 players, and coincide with the reversible Player Aid screens. There are 16 of each color, for a total of 64 Workers. However, there is also what is possibly the coolest part of this game: The Great Pyramid! Once your Workers have slid all the Pyramid pieces of 1 Tier into place, you use your Art Tokens to decorate that Tier. While everyone who bids Art Tokens toward the Pyramid win Victory Points, the player who bids the most will get more VPs. Once the Great Pyramid is completed, players will add up all VPs, and of course, the player with the most wins the game!

And there you have it, another awesome resource game from Mayfair. While this game is a bit more complicated than either Settlers of Catan or Steam, I like the fact that they are creating more challenges for their loyal players. Sean, Dave and I will be at Toyfair 2012 in NYC this Sunday and Monday, and I can hardly wait to see what new boardgames Mayfair has cooked up. Be sure to look for our Toyfair update on Tuesday when we return!

Stasi "Dengirl" King

Monday, February 6, 2012

Unpacking the Dragon's Den

So many people who do not live local have asked us what the store looks like and what type of product we carry. So not wanting to keep everyone in the dark, here is an unpacking of the Dragon's Den!

As you walk down the hall of the Poughkeepsie Plaza, we are located at the end of the hallway at the North end of the plaza. 

When you look into the store, you will find many great items located on our island.  You are also presented with a choice, left or right...

If you walk straight in and look in the front two cases you will find some interesting items, including bumper stickers and ...

and CANDY! Notice that most of the candy is branded!

So I decided to turn to the right and make my way along the comic book wall.  We have a nice lite display for the comic books, all sorted alphabetically from left to right with tabs behind all the new books.At the end of the rows of comic books, there is a lite display with all the comic glasses, banks, and pop fun figures.  We carry Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and more.  If you are looking for comic books, then you might want to browse our wall.

Opposite the comic wall, and inside the island you find all the collectible card games (CCG) and sports cards.  This is where all the boosters, starters, and singles for the different CCGs.  This is also where you will find the card sleeves, deck boxes, and play mats.  With games like Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, and World of Warcraft we have plenty of CCGs for the players to enjoy.

Rounding the corner by the BCW spinning rack which houses top loaders, penny sleeves, and binders, you see the gaming area. We can set the area up in multiple configurations for card games, miniature games, or role playing games.  Across the back wall of the gaming area is a wall of board games and card games as well as Yoda above one of our demo video game systems.

Right in the corner of the gaming area is our role playing games (RPG) section, which usually has a table set up for RPG games. We keep our boosters of miniatures, RPG books (New and Used), and maps.  We carry many different RPG titles like D&D, Pathfinder, Legend of the Five Rings, Eclipse Phase, and so much more!

At the back of the island, facing into the gaming area you find our miniature paints, dice, CCG binders, some play mats, and darts.  Oh, yes DARTS!  So many people play in leagues in the area, but there are so few places to find flights, shafts, tips, and other dart accessories.

The wall opposite the comics and around the other side of the island you find miniatures and video games.  Starting at the back of the store, you run into the miniature section of the wall.  We carry game companies such as Games Workshop (Warhammer and Warhammer 40K), Privateer Press (Warmachine and Hordes), Spartan Miniatures (Uncharted Seas, Dystopian Wars, and Firestorm Armada), and some other titles like Battletech, Malifaux, and Infinity.

As you move down the wall, you will see all the video games, and video game systems.  We carry new games as well as retro.  Looking for Nintendo (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Gamecube, and Wii), X-box, X-Box 360, PlayStation (1, 2, and 3), Sega (Master System, Genesis, CD, Saturn, and Dreamcast), or even Atari... we've got it!  We also have a tech in the store who can fix most problems with current and older systems.  In the island across from the wall we keep the hand held games.  These range from the original Nintendo Gameboy to the 3DS.  We also have PSPs, Sega Game Gears, and even a Nomad!

Right next to the register we have some more snacks.  Here we keep some of the really cool imports from Japan and Ireland!  Drinks, candies, chips, and cookies! We also have energy drinks in this case, as well as in the mini fridge right behind the counter if you want one cold.

So now you have had the grand tour.  I did not have space to put in all the pictures of the store or all the cases, but I wanted to leave some mystery or intrigue so that you are enticed into stopping by and checking us out.  And if you are curious, we run events on those tables every night of the week, and you should check out our calendar for more information.

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Battletech Introductory Box Set

Did you ever play Battletech when you were growing up?  Do you remember FASA? Have you ever desired piloting a giant 'Mech into combat for the glory of your House or Clan? Then you need to check out the Battletech Introductory Box Set!  This new introductory box set is now being produced by Catalyst Game Lab, who also makes some other great games! We at the Dragon's Den felt that it was time to break this open and play a round or two.

We got the box set out for the store, now that it is available at one of our distributors.  As several of us remembered the game from our youth, we were excited to give the new intro box a try.  We went very basic with a light mech each... well, they had 50 tonnage mechs and I had a 40.  We went with the very basic/core rules and did not worry about heat or ammo.  Steve, Tom and I had a blast and after immobilizing me they turned on each other, with Tom winning the event!

The pieces are all made out of plastic, and are single cast... except for the 2 premium pieces Thor and Loki.  The board is more like a board game board, but is printed on both sides to give you 2 double sided maps for more play options.

While we were playing, Stan got into painting the pieces and gave each one a quick prime coat of either Red, Grey, or Silver.  The pieces we were using ended up blue as did the Thor.  The Loki got a separate color and we went with green.  We may have gone with some Marvel Comic colors with that...Thor blue and Loki green!

So as we have several copies in the store, with the pieces all base coated, then you should come in and give this great game a try.  We now have several copies of the game as of when this blog was posted.


Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Friday, February 3, 2012

Nintendo LaserScope

Have you ever wanted to play Duck Hunt on the NES and not have to use the gun?  How about firing at those ducks by saying "Bang," "Shoot," "Die Duck, Die," or "Kablow!"?  Then you need to give this a try!

The Nintendo LaserScope by Konami is a voice activate firing system.  It was designed to work with the different shooting games that Nintendo produced to work with the Zapper.  It made it's debut in 1990, so it is now 22 years old, and looks great still. If you noticed, the headset also has speakers built in, and YES it is in stereo. 

Now there were some down sides to really cool device.  The mic would sometimes pick up background noise and fire with what ever it heard.  It also has a limited range as you need to plug the headset into the Nintendo in the controller port, and on the side for the sound.

Oh, and in case you are wondering... YES we have one in the store as of when we posted this blog entry!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Sunday, January 29, 2012

MtG Dark Ascension Pre-release Weekend

This weekend was the Pre-release of the latest set of Magic the Gathering from Wizards of the Coast called Dark Ascension.  We had so many players for the last Pre-release that we set ourselves up for the players and even got the empty store next to us for our Saturday events.  We had 4 events on Saturday starting at Midnight.  We always get a good crowd for the Midnight events and having an empty location to use made it feel open and spacious for the players.  Here is a list of our times on Saturday and Sunday with how many players we had for each.

As is our normal Midnight fun, we got pizzas and sodas for all the players to enjoy before the event began.  We ended up about 16 pizzas and not a single slice was left when it was game time! The drinks normally last a little longer, but even they were gone before the end of the event. 


1. Midnight: 88 players
2. 11:00am: 32 players
3. 3:00pm: 15 players
4. 5:00pm: 16 players
Saturday total: 151 Players

1. 11:00am: 8 players
2. 3:00pm: 15 players
Sunday Total: 26

Total players for the weekend: 177

This was a great weekend with lots of players having a great time and playing tons of Magic.  We did a few extra things this pre-release that we have not done in the past.  We had our resident Magic card painter, Marc, altering cards for players as they played.  He also did a few for us to use as random door prizes for each round of the Midnight.  He also did a full art of Sorin for a player... and it might have been the first to be altered.  We also rented several table and chairs so we would have extra and everyone would have more room to play.

Next pre-release I'm hoping to see if one of the local Magic artists would be willing to come in during one of the time slots and do some signings or custom alters for players.  I know that there is one guy very local and several closer to the city, so it would be great for the players to meet some these great artists.

Don't forget about the Launch Party for Dark Ascension this Friday night at 6:00pm.  It will be a Draft for $15 and the first players on the list will be guaranteed a promo card.  What to check out the rest of our calendar of events?  Check out our calendar! We run many Friday Night Magic events, Monday Night Magic, and now Star City IQs!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks