Showing posts with label Wizards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wizards. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Magic: Knights vs Dragons Duel Deck

Now that the new Duel Deck from Wizards of the Coast, Knights vs Dragons, is out and it's time to take a look at what you get in the box.

Dragons: This is a mono Red deck featuring dragons and their goblin allies. The deck involves a foil alternate art Bogardan Hellkite. It also includes the following rares: Thunder Dragon, Shivan Hellkite, Kilnmouth Dragon, Mordant Dragon, and Voracious Dragon. It also includes several other alternate art cards, including Punishing Fire and Seething Song.

Knights: This is a twin color deck using White and Green knights.  The deck involves a foil alternate art Knight of the Reliquary. It also includes the following rares: Loxodon Warhammer, Kinsbaile Cavalier, Knight of the White Orchid, Knotvine Paladin, and Knight Exemplar. It also includes several other alternate art cards, including Silver Knight and Loxodon Warhammer.

Both decks include some great cards that are useful in current decks as well as EDH... soon to be called Commander.  We have the decks in stock and priced competitively. Stop in and check out the latest Duel Deck from Wizards. Get them while they are in stock as the Duel Decks move quickly and the prices tend to go up eventually.

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

GAMA Updates: Wednesday!

So if you are not lucky enough to work in the gaming industry or able to make it to GAMA to see and hear all the news about the Gaming/Hobbies industry, I'll continue to compile the posts from Dave who is sending us some small Tweets about the show. Yesterday we had some info from Wizards of the Coast and AEG, today we have some more from Wizards.

We will have a whole collection of posts to add on tomorrow about Yu-Gi-Oh and what Konami has to say about up and coming releases!

Wizards of the Coast:

D&D minis LE Set this year DRAGONS!

Conquest of Nerath 2-4 players large scale "Risk" style board game coming in June.

D&D New in Sept. Lair Assault A scenario that has high level of difficulty and can be played until "solved" 3- 4 hours of play.

Legend of Drizzt board game is part of the Neverwinter 2011 theme

D&D Encounters 9/10 starts The Lost Crown of Neverwinter right after D&D Game Day where you will build PCs for Encounters

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

GAMA Updates Tuesday!

So we have several employees at GAMA in Los Vegas! They are posting updates as to cool new games and information that they see. If you are following us on Twitter or Facebook you may have seen some of these posts, but I thought it would be great to have them all in one place... and posted per day of the show (as it runs all week)!

Wizards of the Coast:

October's MtG name is Innistrad and will be previewed in From the Vault Legends.

Innistrad poster child is Lillian-expect a dark tone to set with"resonant fantasy theme"

New Program: Magic Celebration on September 10, 2011 aimed at newer players.

Magic 2012 will launch on 360/PS3/PC at same time as paper cards with Garruk like promo card redemption 7/11!


War of Honor is a board game based version of L5R and great intro to new L5R arc.

Nightfall from AEG is a new deck building card game that promotes interaction between players set in a Blade or Underworld world. 

We will have a demo copy of Nightfall on Saturday, 3/19.

Thanks Dave for keeping us all in the loop as to what you see and what is going on at GAMA!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Friday, March 11, 2011

Magic Commander Format

So WotC has been giving out information at PAX East tonight.  I know not everyone can make it out there, so I thought I'd take a minute and compile some of the tweets that they have posted about this newish format. If you did not know, Commander is a twist on EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander) which is a casual format that is played with a 99 card deck and 1 legendary creature that is your commander; making a 100 card deck.

Got the answers for the questions here that we asked and that we gathered from Twitter. This will release soon, and we will have some events for it in the store.

Q: Will the commander cards be over sized?
A: Yes.

Q: Can you use other Legendary Creatures as commanders or only the over sized cards?
A: Yes you can. The over sized cards are just a neat extra.

Q: What happens when an over sized card gets condemned?
A: There will be standard sized commander cards so that if they get shuffled into the deck you will be able to use them in EDH.

Q: How many Commander Decks can we expect?
A: 5 Decks. Each deck will be 100 cards, have around 18 rares, and 51 unique cards.

Q: When will the decks be available?
A: They will be in stores in June.

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Monday, March 7, 2011

Magic Players at the Den

Many people have asked us about the players here at the Dragon's Den for Magic. We have had many players who have come in and played some games of Magic at the store. We wanted to give future players an idea of what you can expect and who you might play against.

1. We have players from all walks of life, elementary school kids, teachers, lawyers, computer techs, high school students, college students, restaurant works, retail works, warehouse workers, and so much more.

2. We have had many female players as well. I've had several new players comment that we have had events with as many as 8 ladies playing.  So although we have many male players at any given event, we also almost always have at least one female player!

3. The level of play ranges from very new to pro!

4. DCI Numbers can tell you how long a player has been playing the game. We have many players who have DCI #s that are 10 digits long, which is the current length, but we have had many small numbers as well.  The shortest number is only 4 digits long!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Free Events at the Dragon's Den

So we run several different FREE events at the Dragon's Den. Several of these events are run every week and can be found on our calendar of events, but others events run once a year and fall about the same time every year.  Here are some of the BIG once a year FREE events we host here at the Dragon's Den:

FREE Comic Book Day: Diamond comics offers to stores a chances to be a part of FREE Comic Book Day. We can offer many different comic books for FREE that day including Mavel, DC, Dark Horse, and many of the other independent publishers.  There are also some other give aways that stores can get including Heroclix minis, grading guides, and so much more.  We have also had several different artists and authors who have come in to do signings during the event.  This lists includes:
Herb Trimpe - Artist for the Hulk, and many more Marvel Comics
Mark Texeria - Artist for Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, and more
JM Dematteis - comic book and TV writer (Kraven's Last Hunt!) 
Nick Tapalansky - Writer Awakening
Alex Eckman-Lawn - Artist Awakening 

We are hoping to make this years FREE Comic Book Day even better then ever! We have a few great ideas to make this year memorable and exciting... but I'm not going to ruin the surprise and tell you about them now! You will need to come back in the future and read the blog or check our website!

FREE RPG Day: Impressions Advertising and Marketing has created this fantastic event and gets some of the best FREE RPGs for players to check out and play.  We used to just have some of the RPGs for handing out, but last year we started running some of the adventures during the event for players to try a new game! Over the past several years Pathfinder (Piazo), and Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast) have offered up some fantastic FREE suppliments or adventures. Here is a list of some of the fantastic games or companies that had product for FREE RPG Day:
Dungeons & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast)
Pathfinder (Piazo)
Hollow Earth
Call of Cthulhu

This years sponsors for the event are:
  • BlackWyrm Games
    Sample HERO Adventure
  • Blue Panther
    Sample Card Tower
  • Eden Studios
    Silver, All Flesh Quickstart & Adventure
  • Fantasy Flight Games
    Gold, TBA
  • Goodman Games
    Silver, DCC RPG Quickstart
  • Green Ronin
    TBD, DragonAge Quickstart
  • Guild of Blades Publishing
  • Paizo Platinum
  • Pelgrane Press
    TBD, Trail of Cthulhu Adventure
  • Pinnacle
    TBD, TBA
  • Troll Lord Games
    Bronze, C&C Quickstart and Adventure
  • Valkyrie Games
    Sample, Stellar Horizons Quickstart
  • White Wolf Publishing
    Gold (10 per box), TBA
  • Wizards of the Coast
    Platinum (15 per box), D&D Adventure 
 Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

      Tuesday, December 28, 2010

      Gaming Store Logic: Magic

      So we have had many different individuals come and go from the Dragon's Den as Magic players. I can honestly say that I have heard some of the craziest comments in regards to the collectible card game Magic. To give everyone a laugh, I thought I would jot some of them down for people to read and enjoy.

      1. "Wow, you have a lot of players playing here. So none of them can be that good."
           Me: "What???"
           "Well I know that when a store has a lot of players, none of them are good."

      So we may not have pro players... No wait we have a player who just won a PTQ and now has a pro-point, and we have at least one other player who was on the tour years ago.

      Well maybe we don't have any big event Top 8 players... Just a few weeks ago we had several players Top 8 in different events.

      Well maybe we don't have any state champions... But our judge is a former NY State Champ and we had several Top 8 players this year in multiple states. 

      So I guess we might have a good player or two even though we have 40-60 players on a Friday night!

       2. "So I'm from the city, you guys have Magic Events?"
           Me: "Yes, every Monday, Friday, and some times on the weekend too."
           "Well I figure I can beat everyone here because I'm from the City, so I didn't bring my "A" game."
           Me: "Well... (see above comments)."
           "Oh really."
           Several hours later... 
           Me: "So how did it go?"
           "I should have brought my "A" game."

      So I'm curious, why do you go to a tournament and not bring your "A" game? I mean if you are playing around the kitchen table, then sure play a fun deck, but when you go to an event wouldn't you want to play to win? Casual is a great format for playing for fun and we run that Tuesday nights, but for the other events bring your "A"game!

      3.  "It is not fair that players go to big events and don't play net-decks."
           Me: "What???"
          "Well, it's not fair that we don't have a chance to prepare for a deck when it is not a net-deck."

      Well I kind of thought that playing Magic was about building a deck and playing the game.  When did it just become using the internet and playing with someone elses idea and concepts. Have we sunk so low that we have no originality left or creativity???

      4. "All the cards have to be spoiled."
           Me: "Why??"
          "Well all the Pro Players have to have all the cards spoiled. They are the reason all the cards are spoiled.  They need to know if they will buy any."

      Really????? So what we are saying is that the small number of pro Magic players is more important then all the other players in the Magic community? So we need to show them all the cards to see if they want to purchase the cards? So we don't want players to have a little unknown in the game?  So we don't want to have any surprises?  Merry Christmas?!?!?

      5. My all time favorite comment was not by a player or customer, but by a company...
           "We are going to start a GRASSROOTs program to make Magic work better for all stores and players. We will start with the large Professional TOs, who will then feed down to the smaller stores."

      Ok, now I know I might be a little crazy, but really??? When did Grassroots programs work top down?? Can you even hear what your saying? Grassroots is a program to start small and have those small groups feed into bigger groups, that then feed into the largest groups. This would also be a great idea if the groups would talk to each other, but it appears that most TOs do not want to work with each other, especially the PTOs in this area who have never wanted to chat with us in the reverse grassroots program.

      Agree or disagree...

      Friday, November 26, 2010

      New Paltz Gaming Convention (NPC)

      The New Paltz University Gaming Society ran their annual gaming convention, NPC, last weekend. This was the first 2 day event for them starting Saturday and ending Sunday. They approached us (the Dragon's Den) and asked if we would be a vendor and if we would run some events at the con. So for the third year in a row we were a part of NPC. We ended up having a great booth and running several different tournaments and demos of some great games.

      Saturday we ran a 14 player Scars of Mirrodin Draft! The players had a great time and we saw many great cards pulled during the event. The players were super excited to have a chance to win some exclusive con promo cards that we got from Wizards, foil promo Kor Skyfisher... if I remember correctly. We also played several demo games including Steve Jackson's Cthulhu Dice and Zombie Dice, Munchkin, Mayfair's Stationmaster, and Bandai's Resident Evil Deck Building.

      Sunday we ended up running an 8 players constructed Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. We also had a small group for a second Magic event, this time Standard Constructed. We also ran demos of several other games including Ascension Deck Building, and D&D.

      All weekend long the convention was running video game tournaments from retro systems to current. We also saw several pick-up games of Warhammer 40K in the hall we were located in as well as many other board games from the gaming society.

      This is an event that more players should check out. Check their website for more details on last years event, and hopefully soon, this years events.

      Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

      Friday, November 5, 2010

      Dark Sun Setting for D&D 4E

      So I have been playing D&D 4E since before it was released... yes I was a play tester, and I have also participated as a DM and a player with D&D 4E. One thing that I have enjoyed has been the different Campaign settings. Dark Sun really piqued my interest, especially after playing in the Wednesday Night D&D Encounters.  There have been some fantastic aspects to Dark Sun that I enjoyed in 2E and was disappointed to not see make it into 3 or 3.5. I'm going to hit on some of the points that I enjoyed and hopefully readers will find some of the concepts exciting enough to give Dark Sun a try.  There are 8 big changes when playing in Dark Sun:
      1. The World is a Desert
      2. The World is Savage
      3. Metal is Scarce
      4. Arcane Magic Defiles the World
      5. Sorcerer-Kings Rule the City-States
      6. The Gods are Silent
      7. Fierce Monsters Roam the World
      8. Familiar Races Aren't What you Expect


      The races that are in the book are met with mixed response. The Thri-kreen are such a different race and offer players the chance to play something very different. I played one in Encounters, and then had to make a Thri-Kreen in a home game. I find them to offer a nice alternative to standard races. The Mul on the other hand just did not see as much love/respect... and I'm not sure why.  They are a very tough race, that can take a beating. They make great front line fighters to force the enemy to deal with.  Oh, and on a side note, who would not want to play in a world with halflings that are cannibals!


      Choosing a theme for your character allows you to access more powers and to give the character more flavor.  There are 10 different themes offered in the book.  Each theme offers a wide variety of options for creating your character, including access to different feats and powers.  You do gain a power that is associated with the theme when you select the theme during character generation... which is really cool.


      As magic is scarce, and illegal, on Athas you will find many players having access to psionics instead.  At the DMs discretion, players can chose a Wild Talent.  Wild Talents are minor psionic powers that characters can use in game that are similar to wizards cantrips.


      Several new classes were added based off of existing classes, including Wild Battlemind, Arena Fighter, Animist Shaman, and Warlock Sorcerer-King Pact.  These classes again add more of the Dark Sun flavor to your character and represent some of the differences in this very harsh world.


      Maybe one of the most interesting pieces of the Dark Sun world is the lack of available metal. Most items are made out of more naturally occurring items.  Horn, bone, hides, stone, wood, crystal, and shells appear in a variety of forms from armor to weapons.  There are some metal weapons and armor, but they would be considered masterwork and difficult to find.  To represent the fragile nature of the weapons on Athas, DMs can use the optional weapon breakage rule.  The Reckless Breakage rule is the one I really like: If you roll a natural 1 you can choose to reroll the attack.  A non-metal weapon breaks with any second attack roll, but you might hit! A metal weapon will break if you roll a natural 5 or lower.  This can be a very useful tool as you might not mind breaking your item, but you really want to hit the monster!

      So, if you have not tried Dark Sun out, or you were curious what the heck it is... give it a try! Dark Sun is a very harsh and gritty world full of danger, but offers a tremendous amount of fun to enjoy a new world to explore!

      Thursday, October 28, 2010

      Who are the Planeswalkers in Magic the Gathering

      In Magic you play as a Planeswalker. A being so powerful you can travel across planes of existence and summon creatures to battle for you. When reading through many of the different books, novels, and comics you may have stumbled upon many other Planeswalkers and wondered... How many planeswalkers are out there?

      Well if you are playing Magic right now, you know all the current Planeswalkers. We have seen at least one for each color and some that are multicolored. Here is a list of the current Planeswalkers and what color they represent.

      Jace Beleren- Blue
      Tezzeret the Seeker- Blue
      Jace, The Mind Sculptor - Blue
      Ajani Goldmane - White
      Elspeth, Knight Errant - White
      Gideon Jura - White
      Elspeth Tirel - White
      Garruk Wildspeaker - Green
      Nissa Revane - Green
      Chandra Nalaar - Red
      Chandra Ablaze - Red
      Koth ot the Hammer - Red
      Liliana Vess - Black
      Sorin Markov - Black
      Ajani Vengeant - Red, White
      Venser, the Sojourner - Blue, White
      Sarkhan Vol - Red, Green
      Sarkhan the Mad - Red, Black
      Nicol Bolas - Blue, Black, Red

      But, there are many more that have apeared in books, comics, and graphic novels.  So many of these different Planeswalkers appear briefly, but several are referenced over and over again.  These are the more commonly talked about Walkers, some are even cards... just not Planeswalkers... Yet...

      Bo Levar
      Commodore Guff
      Kristina of the Woods
      Lord Windgrace of Urborg
      Tevesh Szat

      Armada Comic created a number of different comic book runs based on Magic. They introduced new and used many existing Planeswalkers in their stories. They also introduced the concept of Battle Mages and Spell Squires, people that were aspiring to become Planeswalkers. There are way to many to list, but Ravidel is mentioned as both, before becoming a Planeswalker. Here is a list of the Planeswalkers mentioned in the comic books.

      Serra (Viewed as a goddess, but was aPlaneswalker in love with Feroz)
      Sandruu (Minataur Planeswalker trained by Feroz, and banished by Taysir)
      Taysir (Jealous of Sandruu as he has won the heart of a woman Taysir wanted)
      Tevash Szat
      Kristina of the Woods
      Jamil (killed his brother using Nightmare)
      Altair (Was enchanted to not access his ability to Planeswalk, freed his people with the help of Nightmare, the enchantment was broken and he served Nightmare for 10 years)

      Tuesday, October 26, 2010

      Gamma World Game Day: Trouble in Freesboro

      This past weekend was the Gamma World Game Day adventure called Trouble in Freesboro. Players had a chance to create characters using the new random method character generator. It was fantastic to see everyone excited about how their character might look or how they might interact. We had everything from the telekinetic hyper-cognitive, to the pyrokinetic rat swarm! Trying to figure out what the pyrokinetic rat swarm did with night vision goggles and a riding horse... but that added to the fun! As always the maps were fantastic, but not a surprise as they were created by Jason Engle.

      The adventure was well written and the players really had fun. Facing off against Genghis Tangh and his group of Porkers added to the jokes that were flying. One of the coolest aspects that Wizards worked into the adventure was the active links to see play handouts virtually. We had a player with a laptop who pulled up the 3 links that the players found as they explored. The email and evacuation plan were nice touches, but the security camera video was the best!  They went back and watched it multiple times after the session.

      The promo cards that everyone received were Alpha Power: Power Mimic, and Omega Power: Dehydrated Man. They both should be in a deck you create, as they really are powerful. There is something about a Powdered Scientist that can be helpful... but can leave to pursue its own goals is hysterical!

      Thursday, September 30, 2010

      Castle Ravenloft Board Game

      Castle Ravenloft

      This Boardgame is crammed to the top with stuff! 41 interlocking dungeon tiles, 92 plastic minis (yes they are the D&D minis, just unpainted), 5 different heroes, an adventure book, 200 cards, 192 tokens, and a D20! Play as a heroic adventurer, explore, overcome hazards, find treasure, and face Lord Strahd! Published by Wizards of the Coast for 1-5 players.

      Below is a convention chart showing which prepainted D&D miniature (DDM) is represented in the game which an unpainted game piece. The chart offers the name of the DDM mini, and it's set.

      Minis to Painted DDM Minis
      Wolf = Warg, Harbringer
      Spider =  Death Jump spider, Savage Encounter
      Ghoul = Gravetouched Ghoul, Unhallowed
      Zombie = Terror Wight, War Drums
      Rat Swarm = Rat Swarm, Savage Encounters
      Skeleton = Warrior Skeleton, Archfiends
      Kobold = Kobold Soldier, Angelfire
      Blazing Skeleton = Blazing Skeleton, Against the Giants
      Gargoyle = Earth Element Gargoyle, Blood War
      Zombie Dragon = Zombie White Dragon, Deathknell
      Werewolf = Werewolf, Against the Giants
      Kobold Sorcerer = Kobold Sorcerer, Aberrations
      Dracolich = Dracolich, Dragonqueen

      Also, WotC has now posted a new set of adventures for the game. Click on the adventures link in the previous sentence to check out the 2 new adventures: Zombie Guards of Castle Ravenloft, and Search for the Sunsword.

      Monday, September 20, 2010

      Magic at the Dragon's Den

      Many people have asked us about our events at the Dragon's Den... specifically Magic Events. We post our schedule of events on our web-page: EVENTS

      But to answer the question here, so players can know and come play, here is a general break down of our events.

      Monday 6:00pm: Standard Constructed FREE
           This event is Standard and follows the rules for Standard constructed events. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards are the prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over.

      Monday 6:00pm: Draft $15.00
            This event will include 3 of the most recent booster packs. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards tend to be extra prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over. The main prize for this event is a prize pool of 2 packs per player split between top players.

      Tuesday 6:00pm: Casual
           We don't have a set game for this night, but we have players who come in and play alternate formats of Magic. Planechase, Archenemies, and EDH are three of the different formats that get played this night, but other versions could be played as well.

      Friday 3:00pm: FNM Draft $15.00
            This event will include 3 of the most recent booster packs. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards and FNM cards are the prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over. The main prize for this event is a prize pool of 2 packs per player split between top players

      Friday 3:00pm: FNM Standard FREE

           This event is Standard and follows the rules for Standard constructed events. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards and FNM cards are the prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over.

      Friday 6:00pm: FNM Standard FREE

           This event is Standard and follows the rules for Standard constructed events. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards and FNM cards are the prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over.

      Friday 6:00pm: FNM Standard $10.00 Event

           This event is Standard and follows the rules for Standard constructed events. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards and FNM cards are the prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over.The main prize for this event is a prize pool of 3 packs per player split among the top players.

      Saturday 5:00pm: Extended FREE
            This event is Extended and follows the rules for Extended constructed events. We hand out prizes to the top players as well as random door prizes. DCI Foil Cards are the prizes for this event, plus other foil promos that are left over.

      If you have never stopped in for one of our Magic events, they are a treat.  we have many fantastic players who are not only good players, but fun players. We have been averaging 40 or more players at our 6:00pm FNMs, and we get over 60 players for our Prerelease events!

      If you are looking to learn to play Magic, stop in and ask; almost every employee in the store now either plays or collects the game. For more information about the game, try the Wizards of the Coast web site.

      Friday, September 17, 2010

      D&D Essentials Game Day: Sunderpeak Temple

      To celebrate the release of D&D Essentials and the new D&D Red Box, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) went old school and really brought some great memories back for an old time RPGer. Here is a break down of some of the interesting RETRO things they did to make this such an interesting event.

      1. A Classic look on the cover of the adventure: The fighter taking on the Red Dragon! This is such an iconic image that players who played in the 80s will remember this image and think fondly of Keep on the Borderlands... which interestingly enough is the next Wednesday Night Encounters.
      2. The Goldenrod character sheets reminded me of the old school blank character sheets that you could buy to make your PC look official. The images they used for the characters all looked very retro as well.
      3. The "hand-drawn" map was classic! I loved the triangles that were not all the way closed at the bottom, it really gave it a feel of being drawn that day for the players. The one thing that would have really made it was if the maps on the inside cover had been printed in blue not black.

      Now for how it played out! We ran several sections for this event. Some went better then others! We had one DM who almost TPKed in the first encounter! It was rough, but the players managed to survive... only to die 2 encounters later. They had fun and played it out to the bitter end. Another group made it to the final fight and found out that the Dragon was not as tough as the Orcs and Rage Drakes! The fighters both beat the Dragon on initiative and used their daily... then action pointed!

      Just as a reminder, we run many sessions of D&D here at the Den. Come in on a Wednesday night to play D&D Encounters. This week will be the last session for the Dark Sun Encounter: Fury of the Wastewalker. Next week we start the new Encounter Keep on the Borderlands!

      Thursday, September 9, 2010

      New Boardgames

      Recently we got in many new Boardgames. Several of theses games really push the boundaries and will challenge you to a great game. We wanted to post a quick write up about some of these great games and hopefully see some on you in on Thursday nights to try them out! You can even play some of these games solo if you are having a night home alone.

      Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer:
      This is a fast-pasted deckbuilding game set in an epic fantasy world.  The game was created by several Magic Pro-Tour Champions, with art for the cards from Eric Sabee.  Has many of the great features and feel of a CCG but in ONE box! Published by Gary Games for 2-4 players.

      Dungeons & Dragons Castle Ravenloft: This Boardgame is crammed to the top with stuff! 41 interlocking dungeon tiles, 92 plastic minis (yes they are the D&D minis, just unpainted), 9 different heroes, an adventure book, 200 cards, 192 tokens, and a D20! Play as a heroic adventurer, explore, overcome hazards, find treasure, and face Lord Strahd! Published by Wizards of the Coast for 1-5 players.

      Warlords of Europe:  Reminds me of Conquest of the Empire, but set in a feudal Europe setting. The game offers a variety of plastic units including swordsman, knights, archers, and spearman. Some people might think it is like Risk, but it does offer more diversity in play with cards that can change the course of the game.  They also introduced a mechanic to the game that allows you to roll different dice depending on what terrain you are fighting in(D8, D10, and D12). Published by Conquest Gaming for 2-4 players.

      The Eagle and the Lion: Battles of Napoleon: The first game to be released in the Battles of Napoleon series, with everything you need to recreate classic battles between the French and the British. This game was great to demo at Gen Con! fantastic plastic pieces, order cards, event cards, and so much more. The game also has a scenario book to play historic events! Published by Nexus for 2 players.

      Dungeonquest: Can you venture into the dragon's lair and steal his treasure? This dungeon delving game includes 6 heroes each with unique abilities. The game includes 50 dungeon tiles, many cards, lots of tokens, and a great game board. On an interesting note, if you are looking for sleeves for the cards in this game, Fantasy Flight yellow is the correct size... you will need 7 packs to sleeve all the cards in the game. Published by Fantasy Flight for 1-4 players.