Welcome intrepid adventurers!
Here there be DRAGONS!
Abandon hope all ye who enter here!
Beware of dragons, for you are crunchy and go good with ketchup!
Beam me up Scotty.
No matter what catch phrase you like, we will be playing games all day today that might fit into one of these! Have you wanted to try out a different RPG, maybe play an old favorite.... then it is time to play!
Right now we have three games playing; Prime Directive: a Star Trek 3.5 adventure, D&D 4th Edition in the Shadowfell, and Aspect, a very different fantasy RPG. We also have a full packed schedule of events all day, as well as pick-up games going on that are now in the schedule.
Many people came in costume already today. We have a Pathfinder Doll, a guy with faerie wings, a skeleton knight, Ash from Pokemon, a Star Fleet Captain, a Cthulhu detective, a gargoyle, a serving wench, and a noble squire. We are hoping to see some more players in costume as the day goes on.
Check out the schedule of events on our website http://www.gamersgambit.com/ or on our blog http://ddenflgs.blogspot.com/2011/06/free-rpg-day-saturday-june-18-2011.html
We will have many pictures on the blog, facebook, and twitter as the day continues, but for the best experience you should stop in and play! We are hoping to have enough copies of each adventure as people play in them, but we also have a table set up with many more free books. We only ask that you take one of each so others can enjoy as well.
Sean "Striderlotr" Banks
We will have many pictures on the blog, facebook, and twitter as the day continues, but for the best experience you should stop in and play! We are hoping to have enough copies of each adventure as people play in them, but we also have a table set up with many more free books. We only ask that you take one of each so others can enjoy as well.
Sean "Striderlotr" Banks