Monday, July 4, 2011

Free RPG Day Recap

Brave adventures, 
those of you who are still standing... 
we salute you!

Saturday June 25th, 2011

The Day

Now that the dust has settled and the players have rolled for some great prizes, we are going to recap the day and let people know the highlights so that they can better understand the craziness that they participated in or missed out on.  If you did miss out... where were you????? Free RPG Day falls in the middle of June on a Saturday yearly, so you should make it next year! 


 The Staff even got involved with the fun of coming in costume to the event. If you notice in the picture above, even some of our DMs got dressed up. Sean, Brittani, and Stasi all went out to the front of the store to pose for pictures, next year YOU should come in costume also!


Over the course of the day we ran many different events.  We set up several different tables so that players would be able to see the signs letting them know events and times for different games. We were able to have 4 tables with 4 different time slots for games all day.  We also set up tables for free stuff and for demo games of board and card games that are RPG-like (Castle Ravenloft, Thunderstone, etc).  With all the great demo games we ran with the FREE RPG Day adventures, as well as some special RPG demo events we ran with materials from previous years, including some L5R and source material from the past 2 years for Star Trek, we had full tables for all the events.

  Live Action

One of the oddest events of the day was our live action D&D Event! We created 6 different characters with very basic stats and then created 2 killer boss monsters with their crazed minions! So if you wanted to face off against the Crazy Samurai or the Insane Wizard you could chose your class from Fighter, Wizard, Ranger, Cleric, Monk, or Warlock.  As the event went on, we learned about the the characters we built... and darn can we build some killer basic characters!  On the fly, we had to make the bad guys just a little tougher to challenge the players.  We also needed a few more minions to round out the combats.  Next year, we will make sure it is EPIC and maybe even add on a dragon!


 By the end of the day we had given away almost all the FREE RPG Day event product.  We also had a free contest where every event you played in got you a checkpoint.  When you had to leave for the evening you got a D20 to roll and you got to add +1 to the roll for each event you were in!  Depending on what you rolled, you got a choice of prizes, just for coming in to play some FREE games.  Another great free item was from Dapper Devil. Dapper Devil sent us these great tiles that make D&D tracking fantastic.  If you have not seen there product, check them out here: Dapper Devil, or stop in and check out what we have here in-store. They also make great tokens for creatures in Magic, so stop in and see a sample here at the Dragon's Den!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks