Friday, April 6, 2012

PRIMER: Walking Dead

As a result of the incredible finale of Season  2 of The Walking Dead, we've seen a huge influx of customers (both new and old) streaming in to read the comics. Given that TWD is available in numerous formats, I thought a brief explanation of how they all work was in order.


The Single Issues

Walking Dead is up to issue #95, and every almost single issue is sold out. The first several issues all go for $300+ each on the after market. Issue #19, the first appearance of You-Know-Who, just sold for over $1,000 by itself! Crazy, huh? So, anyone looking to get just the issues is in for a long haul.

The most popular format for reading TWD is the softcovers.


The Softcover Volumes

Each softcover reprints 6 issues. Volume 1 is issues #1-6, Volume 2 is issues 7-12, Volume 3 is 13-18, etc, etc. With the exception of Volume 1, every volume is $14.99

Volume 1 is set at the low, introductory price of $9.99

The softcovers make it easy to pick up one or two books at time. You can walk in, grab the next couple in the series, take them home, devour them (buh da bum) and then come back for more at your leisure.

15 Softcover volumes have been released to-date, covering 90 issues.


The Hardcover Volumes

Whereas the softcover reprints 6 issues each, the hardcovers reprint 12 issues each  Oversized, and hardbound, each volume costs $34.99

Only 7 Hardcovers have been released so far, covering 84 issues total.


The Omnibus Hardcovers

Check out these badboys: Only of these over-sized hardcovers (with a slipcase) have been printed so far. Each one contains 24 issues, and is priced at $100.


The Compendium

48 Issues, $75. In terms of price-point, the Walking Dead Compendium is the best value you can get for a dollar, but it is A Big Big Book.

Only 1 Compendium has been released so far.


I would expect to see another of each of the Hardcovers and another Compendium released within 12 months time. The softcovers come out like clockwork, every 6 months or so. The next softcover, Volume 16, arrives in June.
