Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Weekly Comics Post - February 4th

Big News of the Week
Hey guys, first off we've had another shipping error this week, and unfortunately that means that we didn't get Saga #25 today, but we will hopefully get them in Thursday the 5th. Now on to next week. Just in time for Valentine's Day we get the Harley Quinn Valentine's Special, so make sure you keep an eye on that one.  We also get the newest entries of the Spider-verse (in Amazing Spider-man #13) and the newest issue of the Walking Dead (#137).

What the Duck?!?
The mystery has been solved of what Marvel's WTD themed variant covers will be in April. Originally it was thought that the D would stand for Deadpool, but instead it stands for duck, more specifically, Howard the Duck.  Howard will be gracing the variant covers of several Marvel books in April and they're to celebrate Howard getting his own book within the same general time. I can't speak for how many standard covers I'll have to order for the WTD books, but I will attempt to get some for anyone who's interested!  Here's a link to a Bleeding Cool article with the released covers thus far.

Stay Classy Denizens!

Zach "Erik" Burruby
Comics Manager
Dragon's Den