Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Yu-Gi-Oh! Prize Card Tournament Deck Lists

Thanks to all who participated in our awesome Prize Card Tournament series, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Xbox One Tournament held Saturday, August 15 at Gamer's Gambit in Danbury. Congratulations to our first place winner who walked away with a brand new Xbox One! Here are the winning deck lists of the top 4 finishers.

1st Place: Paulie Aronson – Nekroz

Monsters: 24
1x Nekroz of Trishula
2x Nekroz of Valkyrus
2x Nekroz of Brionac
2x Nekroz of Clausolas
3x Nekroz of Unicore
3x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
3x Senju of the Thousand Hands
1x Shurit, strategist of the Nekroz
3x Maxx “c”
1x Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz
1x Dance Princess of the Nekroz
1x Nekroz of Gungnir
1x Nekroz of Decisive Armor

Spells: 16
2x Nekroz Kaleidoscope
2x Nekroz Cycle
2x Nekroz Mirror
1x Preparation of Rites
3x Reinforcement of the Army
3x Upstart Goblin
3 x Mystical Space Typhoon

Side Deck: 15
3x Royal Decree
2x Artifact Lancea
2x Denko Sekka
3x Mind Crush
1x Vanity’s Emptiness
1x Twister
2x Fairy Wind
1x Breakthrough Skill

Extra Deck: 15
1x No. 52 Diamond Crab King
1x Star Eater
1x Shooting Quasar Dragon
1x No. 101: Silent Honor Ark
1x No. 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Gagaga Cowboy
2x Abyss Dweller
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Diamond Dire Wolf
1x Daigusto Emeral
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
2x Herald of the Arc Light

2nd Place – Daniel Carlisto  - Shadoll

Monsters: 21
3x Shaddoll Beast
2x Shaddoll Dragon
2x Shaddoll Falco
2x Shaddoll Hedgehog
2x Shaddoll Squamata
2x Effect Veiler
1x Artifact Moralltach
1x Artifact Scythe
1x Artifact Lancea
2x Fire Hand
2x Ice Hand
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning

Spells: 11
3x Shaddoll Fusion
3x El Shaddoll Fusion
1x Soul Charge
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Foolish Burial
1x Raigeki

Traps: 8
3x Sinister Shadow Games
1x Vanity’s Emptiness
2x Artifact Sanctum
1x Shaddoll Core
1x Jar of Avarice

Side Deck: 15
2x Black Horn of Heaven
1x Solemn Warning
1x Twister
2x Mistake
2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror
3x Maxx “c”
2x Mind Drain

Extra Deck: 15
3x El Shaddoll Construct
3x El Shaddoll Winda
1x El Shaddoll Amaryllis
1x El Shaddoll Grysta
1x Leo, Keeper of the Sacred Tree
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Artifact Durandal
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Armades, Keeper of Boundaries

3rd Place – Patrick Jones – Ritual Beasts

Monsters: 16
3x Ritual Beast Tamer Elder
1x Ritual Beast Tamer Wen
1x Ritual Beast Tamer Lara
1x Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrapilica
1x Spiritual Beast Pettlephin
3x Spiritual Beast Cannhawk
3x Spiritual Beast Apelio
3x Spiritual Beast Rampengu

Spells: 12
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Chicken Game
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Ritual Beast Bonds
1x Soul Charge
1x Raigeki
1x Dimensional Fissure

Traps: 12
3x Ritual Beast Steeds
3x Ritual Beast Ambush
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Solemn Warning
1x Vanity’s Emptiness
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Macro Cosmos

Side Deck: 15
2x Trap Stun
1x Wiretap
2x Mind Crush
3x Stygian Dirge
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Artifact Lancea
1x Soul Drain

Extra Deck: 15
3x Ritual Beast-Ulti Cannahawk
3x Ritual Beast-Ulti Apelio
2x Ritual Beast-Ulti Pettlephin
2x Ritual Beast-Ulti Gaiapelio
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Number 101: Silent Honor Ark
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon

4th Place – Kevin Iwuagwu – Igknights

Monsters: 18
3x Igknight Paladin
3x Igknight Gallant
3x Igknight Margrave
3x Igknight Crusader
3x Igknight Templar
3x Royal Magical Library

Spells: 15
3x Reinforcement of the Army
3x Summoner’s Art
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Into the Void
3x Chicken Game

Traps: 7
3x Tyrant’s Throes
3x Tyrant’s Tirade
1x Vanity’s Emptiness

Side Deck: 15
3x Denko Sekka
2x Wavering Eyes
1x Archfiend Eccentrick
2x Heat Wave
1x Raigeki
2x Droll and Lock Bird
2x Ice Hand
2x Fire Hand

Extra Deck:
1x Photon Strike Bounzer
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Shark Fortress
1x Stellarknight Constellar Diamond
1x Artifact Durendal
1x No. 61: Volcasaurus
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Daigusto Emeral
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Tellarknight Ptolemaeus
1x Heroic Challenger – Gandiva
1x Heroic Champion – Excalibur
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
1x Abyss Dweller