Wednesday, November 26, 2014

MNM League Standings - 11/24/14

To our Monday Night Magic players in Danbury, here are the Gamer's Gambit MNM League current standings. We welcome your comments!

GGCT Monday Night Magic League Standings
(On mobile, swipe to scroll right)

Row LabelsSep-8Sep-15Sep-22Sep-29Oct-6Oct-13Oct-20Oct-27Nov-3Nov-10Nov-17Nov-24Total Points
4Peck 912671291296617105
5Cote  6183393637911105
6Jeffries7   66936126 385
7Cooney   1477712673871
8Badolato6  6693124361368
9Boianghu36 66061296 963
10Krivickos   12903 6109857
11Williams1079  3912    50
12Monagan9    310  69643
13Danas6 312 361200  42
14White   20  312 30442
15Pin   141096     39
16Fox 6    6 7 10938
17Perez     14     1933
18Wong66     183   33
19Soares 3 12 03  12  30
20Machin     936 33630
21O'Brien    3746   626
22Hinger       6 96021
23Rotunda   12       618
24Andreasen7 4   60    17
25Kowalski       12 3  15
26Frey 3        3915
27Dauz374  0      14
28Laufer     12      12
29Burke    6 60    12
30Kennedy6  6        12
31Knapp           1010
32Rogalski  6 3       9
33Green     7      7
34Wilson     7      7
35Nicholson         6  6
36Griggs        6   6
37Gavlik         6  6
38Rowe        6   6
39Albano           66
40Levine       6    6
41Farber     6      6
42Dickson         3  3
43Yager3           3
44Search         0  0
45Evans-Boyajian         0  0