Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Weekly Comics Update - December 31

A New Year and New Books!
This week was a skip week, but we did see the release of Marvel's new book S.H.I.E.L.D. #1, in which Fitz finally gets his monkey (sort of), as well as the Star Trek & Planet of the Apes crossover. Next week is the big one, Marvel is pushing out their new number ones and DC is doing their new variant cover theme. Ant-Man #1, Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl #1, and Wolverines #1 are all released from Marvel. DC's new themed variant covers involve the Flash "photo bombing" famous covers for each of the books that get the variants. They're all well worth a look!

Beware the Yellowjacket!
Yesterday a promo image for the Ant-Man movie appeared on the internet with a full view of the villain Yellowjacket.  The costume looks like a black and yellow version of Spider-Man's Iron Spider costume from a few years ago.  It looks cool and to be honest I never thought I'd be excited to see an Ant-Man movie that didn't star the Irredeemable Ant-Man.  Here's looking forward to July 17th to see how the movie plays out and here's a link to the Bleeding Cool article.