Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Magic: Knights vs Dragons Duel Deck

Now that the new Duel Deck from Wizards of the Coast, Knights vs Dragons, is out and it's time to take a look at what you get in the box.

Dragons: This is a mono Red deck featuring dragons and their goblin allies. The deck involves a foil alternate art Bogardan Hellkite. It also includes the following rares: Thunder Dragon, Shivan Hellkite, Kilnmouth Dragon, Mordant Dragon, and Voracious Dragon. It also includes several other alternate art cards, including Punishing Fire and Seething Song.

Knights: This is a twin color deck using White and Green knights.  The deck involves a foil alternate art Knight of the Reliquary. It also includes the following rares: Loxodon Warhammer, Kinsbaile Cavalier, Knight of the White Orchid, Knotvine Paladin, and Knight Exemplar. It also includes several other alternate art cards, including Silver Knight and Loxodon Warhammer.

Both decks include some great cards that are useful in current decks as well as EDH... soon to be called Commander.  We have the decks in stock and priced competitively. Stop in and check out the latest Duel Deck from Wizards. Get them while they are in stock as the Duel Decks move quickly and the prices tend to go up eventually.

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks