Monday, November 7, 2011

Yugioh Photon Shockwave Sneak Peek

This weekend, we had a spectacular turn-out for our YuGiOh Sneak Peek.  The new set that was debuted, Photon Shockwave, will be for sale November 15th. 

Our events were on Saturday, November 5th, and Sunday November 6th.  Both days we had the $20 Sneak Peek at 12pm and a $10 Box Tournament. The winners of the Box Tournaments will be rewarded with various numbers of boosters from the new set when it releases next week.

We had a full house on both Saturday and Sunday, with all 96 of our packages (6 Photon Shockwave boosters + promo card) being sold out before 2pm each day! The Photon Dragon playmats were given out as random door prizes, and the lucky recipients were thrilled!
All in all, we are very pleased with this huge turnout.  Hopefully, our representatives at Konami will allow us to get even more kits for the next Sneak Peek, and we can run even larger tournaments!  If you are interested in participating in our YuGiOh events, we have regular tournaments every Sunday from 1pm-6pm and Tuesday from 5:30pm-9pm. A $5 entry guarantees that every participant gets 1 booster pack, and the top players get extra store credit!
Check out our calendar at for more events and information.

Stasi "Dengirl" King

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gamers for the Greater Good

 Gamers for the Greater Good (G4GG)

As the holidays are approaching I know that many of the recent storms have left people in our area wanting for some basic needs.  We at the Dragon's Den have decided to plan a week of events that will help the local food banks in the Poughkeepsie area. Here is what we are hoping to do:

Every event you come in and play during this week we are asking you to bring in several non-perishable food items as a donation.  To help sweeten the deal we are going to ask several vendors to make donates and we will have raffles on the last day of the event.  To be entered in the raffle you will need to bring either 5 canned items or 3 boxed items of food per event you play in.  Even if you do not want to play in any events, you can still make a food donation and be entered in the raffles.

To make the raffle even more potent, we will add a raffle ticket for EACH group of donations you bring in! So yes that means for ever 5 canned items or every 3 boxed items you will get your name entered again!  YES, that means that every event you play in can get you an extra raffle entry. 

We are also planning some extra special events just for the week and we will have some super special offers to tie to those.

The dates for this event will be: December 5 until December 11.

Monday: Magic Modern 6:00pm

Friday: Magic Sealed 2 Headed Giant 6:00pm $20 entry plus the food donation! 5 boosters and build 2 decks. Also, if you bring a new player (one who has never had a DCI number, the top teams with a new player will win a special prize!)

Sunday: Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck Challenge:  Legend of the Six Samurai, $8.00 entry plus food donation!

We will update this page often as we plan more events and get more fun and fantastic information.  Stay tuned and we hope that we can help local families and have a lot of fun while doing it!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks

Saturday, October 22, 2011

New League Starting - Map Campaign

 Do you enjoy Warhammer Fantasy? Do you want to try something new or different? Then stop in and chat with Stan about his next plans for Wednesday nights. 
Not able to stop in??? Then check out what he has to say below!

We will be starting a map campaign for those who still wish to compete.

Choose your army carefully, sharpen your weapons and put forth your overall champion.

We will be working with a couple of experimental rules that I have come up with. I'll be posting them up soon for your review and opinions.

Map campaign rules will be fairly simple, but I will work on getting a full representation that will be on display at the Den.

Now again for the questions... Do we wish for a moving map campaign with armies moving around the board vying for control or a abstract depiction that represents wins/loses?

My thoughts are a 3 army representation, each week you will pick the movements of your armies and as they interact on the map, battles will erupt. Each army can move 1 space per week, conquering the space the land on if unoccupied, fighting the inhabitants if occupied.

We can either fight to the end, with each person having a stronghold that can be taken and thereby destroying that army or we can have a set time limit that will count each space as victory points and tally it at the end of the campaign season.

There will be various key locations that could be worth more points or could give you key advantages while you hold them. Expect these to be hotly contested locations.

Thoughts? Comments? Do you want me to flesh this out or to think of something else? 

Friday, October 21, 2011

NYC Comic Con... The Aftermath

NYC Comic Con

So Comic Con is now over and we have survived... although Zombie Petz are still dead and Iron Age may be Jaded (Ha, just a play on the titles... it has been a long weekend)! We had a chance to talk to MANY people from all over the area and beyond, and I thought we would share some of what we heard at the booth.  I know that our roving staff may have more to talk about the show itself, but I was trapped at the booth and have a lot to share about that experience.

One huge comment that we heard was: "How come you guys aren't at Cross County in Yonkers?" or "Are you the same Dragon's Den that was in Cross County in Yonkers?" Matter of fact, the Owner of a fantastic comedy club in Midtown called Ha, used to shop at the Dragon's Den in Yonkers! Oh and if you get down to Midtown, the Dueling Pianos at the club were fantastic!

Another huge comment that was heard many, many, MANY times was: "Where is the Wizards of the Coast booth?"  Wizards of the Coast, WotC, did not have a booth this year was the answer.  WotC did send a single staff member to run some demo games and give out some promo items.  He stopped by the booth on more then one occasion, but their lack of presence was felt and we heard about it from many people/players. Hey WotC you might want to come next year... you were missed.

I think one of the big things we are thinking about for future cons (gaming, comic, pop culture, or anything else), we will be thinking about the lay out of the booth and product.  We notice that some product moved well, and other product very slowly.  We also noticed that some product areas we were some of the only people really carrying.  There are many things I will keep the same with how the event went, but I have started the mental list on how to make it better next time! If you have ever stood for 9+ hours on a cement floor, you know what I'm talking about!

So I know that Scott is working on a review of Comic Con from his trip on the floor.  He spent multiple days walking the floor, attending panels/seminars, and doing the show... not from the booth perspective.  So stay tuned for more information about Comic Con.  We promise that there will be plenty to read.

Enjoy, and hope to see you at the show next year!

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks