Saturday, December 24, 2011

Risk Legacy Game 3

So we played out game number 3 for Risk Legacy recently, and it was very interesting.  We had several people who have now played in all 3 games now, and a new winner this week.  Here is a list of who played game 3:

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks
Stasi "Dengirl" King
Dave Steltenkamp
Amanda Cowen
Alex Sherman

Well no one was elliminated this game, but we did get a new winner, Alex! He made some crazy alliance with Amanda and then turned on her to win the game.  So for winning Alex chose to name the continent of "North America"... and went with Amurka.  As we had everyone else hold on, we got to claim victory items as well.  Amanda named a minor city: Mootown, Dave claimed a minor city: Byzanta, Stasi claimed a minor city King's Kourt, and I founded a minor city St. Banksville. 

The map now has 7 minor cities, 1 major city, 3 mercenary scars, 3 ammo shortage scars, and 2 bunkers.  We have also named 2 continents, so the game is progressing very nicely and it is turning into a world for the Drgaon's Den!

If you want to read some more about the game, below is a review and a quick bit about the games we have played so far.  We will be continuing the game until we name the board, so we have 12 more games to go.  Stop in and maybe be a part of the history of this world.

Game Review
Game 1
Game 2

After the next game we will take some pictures of the board and post them as well, but if you want we have the game out for everyone to see.  Hope that everyone who is interested in Risk Legacy has some fun reading these posts and if you want get a copy, stop in and pick one up! 

Sean "Striderlotr" Banks