Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship Top Eight Decklists

Thanks to all who participated in the Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship held Saturday, February 27, 2016, at Gamer's Gambit in Danbury. Congratulations to our top eight finishers and to the first place finisher, Bryce Catania, who won an invite to the 2016 WCQ National Qualifier and the Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship playmat! Here are the winning deck lists of the top eight finishers:

1st - Bryce Catania

1- Kozmo Dark eclipse
3- kozmo dark destroyer
2-kozmo forerunner
2- kozmo sliprider
2-kozmo wicked witch
2-kozmo farmgirl
3-kozmo tincan
1-kozmo goodwitch
1-kozmo strawman
3-maxx c
2- effect veiler

3-emergency teleport
2-twin twister
1- Raigeki

3- Solemn Strike
3- call of the haunted
1-solemn warning

Side deck:
3-cyber dragon
1-flying c
2- archfiend eccentric
1- dark hole
3- wavering eyes
2-storming mirror force
3- mask of restrict

Extra deck:
2- chimeratech fortess dragon
1-psy-framelord omega
1-starlight red dragon archfiend
1- cyberdragon infinity
1-cyberdragon nova
1-constellar Pleiades
1-red eyes flame metal dragon
1-number 11: big eye
1-daigusto emerald
1-number 101: silent honor ark
1- castel, the skyblaster musketeer
1-gagaga cowboy
1-evilswarm nightmare
1-number 47: nightmare shark

2nd - Matthew Herrera

3- Magical Abductor
3- Armageddon knight
3-performapal donkey
3-performapal sorcerer
2-performapal lizard draw
1-performapal monkey board
1-performapal guiturtle
1-performapal skullcrobat joker
1-performer partnaga
1-luster pendulum dracoslayer
1-blackwing zephyros the elite
1-x saber palomuro
1-Risebell the star adjuster

3-upstart goblin
3-chicken game
3-emergency teleport
3-emergency teleport

1- traptrix traphole
1-bottomless trap hole

Side deck:
1-chimeratech fortress dragon
2-cyber dragon
1-shadoll dragon
1-twin twister
2- dark hole
3- deck devastation virus
2-mask of restrict

Extra deck:
1-elder entity norden
1-karbonala warrior
1-Dinoster Power, the mighty dracoslayer
1-naturia beast
1- ignister prominence, the blasting dracoslyer
1- traptrix cell thesis
1- evilswarm nightmare
1-abyss dweller
1-daigusto emerald
1- majester paladin, the ascending dracoslayer
1-diamond dire wolf
1- Castel, the skyblaster muketeer
1- king of the feral imps
1- carnigorgon, the antiluminescent knight
1- number 66: master key beetle

3rd - Shermine Cianciolo

3- effect veiler
3-mermail abyssgaios
3-alantean heavenly infantry
3-neptabyss, the alantean prince
1-aqua spirit
1-mermail abysssprite
2-mermail abyssgunde
2-mermail abyssteus
1-mermail abyssturge
1- mermail abysslinde
2- alantean dragoons
2-alantean marksmen
1- deep sea diva
1-moulinglacia the emerald lord
1-mermail abyssleed

3-upstart goblin
3-instant fusion
2-dark hole
1-soul charge
1-one for one
1- abyss scale of the mizuchi

1-abyss sphere

Side deck:
2-system down
2- ghost ogre & snow rabbit
2-forbidden chalice
3-twin twisters
2-imperial iron wall
2-anti spell fragrance
2- maxx c

Extra deck:
1- Armory arm
2-abyss dweller
1-trishula dragon of ice barrier
1-mecha phantom beast draccosack
2- elder entity norden
1-abyss mermail gaios
1- number 101: silent honor ark
1-black rose dragon
1-mermail abysstrite
1-bahamut shark
1-number 11: big eye
1-dewloren, tiger king of the ice barrier
1- tatsunoko

4th - Anthony Kelly

3- Armageddon knight
3-wisdom-eye magician
3-dragonpit magician
2- odd eyes pendulum dragon
2- oafdragon magician
2- majespecter unicorn kirin
1- blackwing zepyhros
1- performapal skullcrobat
1-majespecter raccoon bunbuku
1- performapal monkey board
1-dragonpulse magician
1-nobledragon magician
1- tuning magician
1- performapal tumpgirl

3- wavering eyes
3-upstart goblin
3-pendulum call
3-chicken game
1-odd eyes fusion
1-reinforcment of the army
1- sky iris

Side deck:
1-shaddoll hedgehog
1-shaddol dragon
1-shaddoll beast
2- fog king
3- shaddoll fusion
2-mystical space typhoon
1- el shaddoll grysta
1- el shaddoll winda
1- el shaddoll shekhinaga

Extra deck:
1- odd eyes rebellion
2-odd eyes absolute dragon
1-number 39: utopia beyond
1-evilswarm nightmare
1-diamond dire wolf
1-abyss dweller
1-psy-framed omega
1-odd eyes meteorburst dragon
1-ignister, prominence the blasting dracoslayer
1- clear wing synchro dragon
1-ancient fairy dragon
2-odd eyes vortex

5th - Vincent Silverman

3-erebus the underworld monarch
3-ehther the heavenly monarch
1-thestalos the mega monarch
1-kuraz the light monarch
2-majesty’s fiend
3-edea the heavenly squire
2-eidos the underworld quire

3-pantheism of the monarchs
3-tenacity of the monarchs
3-domain of the monarchs
3- the monarchs stormforth
3-return of the monarchs
3-upstart goblin
1-one for one
1-foolish burial
1-reinforcemanet of the army

3- the prime monarch
1- escalation of the monarchs

Side deck:
3- maxx c
3- twin twister
2- forbidden chalice
3-mind crush
3-cursed seal of the forbidden spell
1-vanity’s emptiness

6th - Armaan Masters

1-Tour Guide from the Underworld
1-Graff, motba
1-Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Barber, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Cagna, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1-Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
2-Effect Veiler
2- Fiendish Rhino Warrior
2- Maxx C

2- Twin Twister
1-Foolish Burial

3-Solemn Strike
2-Fire lake of the Burning Abyss
2- traveler of the Burning Abyss
3-Magic Drain
2-Horn of Heaven
1-Torrental Tribute
1-Solemn Warning
1-Vanity’s Emptiness
1-Skill Drain

Side Deck:
2- Master of Restrict
2- Imperial Iron Wall
2- Anti Spell fragrance
2- Gameciel, the sea turtle
1-Cyber Dragon
1-Cyber Dragon core
2-Vanity’s friend
1-effect veiler

Extra deck:
3- Dante, Traveler of the burning Abyss
1-Vrgil, Rock Strap
1- Number 47: Nightmare Shark
2-Number 30: Acid Golem
1-chimeratech fortress dragon
1- number 17: Leviathan dragon
1- mechquipped Angineer
1-number 49: fortune tune
1-number 20: giga brilliant
1-number F0- utopic future
2-Downerd Magician

7th - Kamal Williams

2- ghost ogre & snow rabbit
3-kozmo dark destroyer
1-kozmo dark eclipse
2-Kozmo farmgirl
1-kozmo forerunner
2- kozmo goodwitch
3-kozmo sliprider
1-kozmo strawman
3-kozmo tinman
2-kozmo wickedwitch
2-max c

3-emergency teleport
1-twin twister

2- anti spell fragrance
3-call of the haunted
1-solemn warning
3-solemn strike

Side deck:
2-cyber dragon
1-maxx c
2-kaiser colosseum
2-system down
1-macro cosmos
3-mask of restrict
2- effect veiler
1-twin twister
1- dark hole

Extra deck:
1-chimeratech fortress dragon
1-ancient fairy dragon
1- black rose dragon
1-odd eyes meteorburst dragon
1-scarlight red dragon archfiend
1- trishula dragon of the ice barrier
1-castel, the skyblaster musketeer
1- abyss dweller
1- constellar Pleiades
1-cyber dragon nova
1- daigusto emerald
1- number 61: volcasaurus
1-number 82: heartlandraco
1-gagaga cowboy

8th - Nick Marvin

3- ehther the heavenly monarch
3-erebus the underworld monarch
1-caius the mega monarch
1-thestalos the mega monarch
1-Magesty’s fiend
3- edea the heavenly squire
3- eidos the underworld squire

3-chicken game
3-tenacity of monarchs
3-pantheismof the monarchs
3- the monarchs stormforth
3-domain of the true monarchs
1-return of the monarchs
1-foolish burial
1-reinforcement of the army
1- one for one

2-the prime monarch
1- escalation of the monarchs

Side deck:
2- solemn scolding
1-the prime monarch
3-twin twister
2- mystical space typhoon
2-dark hole
2- effect veiler
2-majesty’s fiend