Teen Titans Earth One is Coming!
Coming out next Wednesday, November 19th, is the newest graphic novel entry to the Earth One series and it's the Teen Titans. For those of you who are fans of the classic Perez-Wolfman run on
New Teen Titans, this is well worth a pick up. It'll be in store on the 19th so keep an eye out.
Finally an Explanation of Marvel's Secret Wars 2015 Event!
Marvel started dropping those cryptic event announcements roughly about a month ago starting with
Secret Wars and continuing with things like
Civil War and
Planet Hulk we've been wondering how they can possibly squeeze that many events into a single summer. We now know how thanks to a video released about
Battleworld! So apparently all of those events won't be individual events, instead they will be alternate realities, in which those events are currently happening, all of which will have been destroyed in someway to recreate a new Battleworld.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the history of Battleworld, the original was created by the Beyonder to have a battle royale between Marvel's greatest heroes and villains in the original
Secret War. I'm surprisingly intrigued by this event and hope they pull this one off right! Here's a
link to Bleeding Cool with said video!
We Finally get a Live Action Dr. Quinzel!
A few weeks back
DC released their planned schedule for comic movies and on the list was
Suicide Squad. Actor names have popped up a few times, but with no definitive line-up of the Squad in place, no one could quite figure out who would play who. Well only two days ago we've gotten a nailed down character and actress to play her.
Harley Quinn, Joker's psychotic psychiatrist girlfriend, will be appearing in
Suicide Squad played by
Margot Robbie. Between this and the fact that
Jared Leto is supposedly in talks to play
Mr. J himself, we've got quite the beginnings of an interesting film. I haven't seen enough of Margot Robbie to say how well she'll pull of the black and red tights of everyone's favorite Clown Princess of Crime, but I'm sure we won't be let down!
Stay Classy Denizens!
Zach "Erik" Burruby
Comics Manager
Dragon's Den